chapter 18

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He held me so tight that it was hard to breath. I didn't complain though. I missed being in his arms so much. I heard a car pull up and u assumed that it was Jenna. I didn't turn around because I didn't want to move from Vic. "Oh my god" I heard her say and her voice cracked. "Y'all are so cute and adorable and" she started crying "and I swear to god if you ever hurt kellin again I will kill you in your sleep!" Her crying voice turned into a demonic voice, that scared me. I turned to see her giving Vic the look of hate. "Thanks Jenna but its ok. It was an accident. I'll tell you later" I assured her. She gave me an unsure look then walked into the house. I turned to Vic and started laughing my head off. " to be a short pregnant girl, she is scary" he said. That made me laugh even harder "pregnancy hormones, Vic. Pregnancy hormones". Its true. She cries a lot. One time she cried about Mike not asking her to marry him, another she cried because she seen a commercial about puppies. She also has crazy cravings. She asked me for Mac and cheese with pickles in it. I love her but she's a lot of work when she's pregnant.
"I'm ready to go home baby" I said yawned. The whole no sleep thing caught up with me. "Ok. Let's go, beautiful" he helped me up.
I woke up in my bed with the light shining through the window. I rubbed my eyes. I looked beside me and didn't find Vic. I got up and stumbled into the kitchen. Nobody. I walked into the living room. Nobody.
"Vic?" I said kinds loud. There was no answer. Maybe he texted me or something. I went back to our room and grabbed my phone. Sure enough I had a text from him.
Vic ❤: hey beautiful. I had to run and get something. Meet me at the park at 12 o'clock for lunch. Love you.

To Vic: ok baby. See you then. Love you too.

It was only 10:45. I went and jumped in the shower. It felt nice to relax after the past two days. It also felt nice to know that Vic never cheated on me. I feel bad for almost killing myself over something that he didn't even do. I really need to stop overreacting.
It was about 11:30 I figured that I should get ready. I put on a fitted black v neck and skinny jeans. I put one my gray beanie and black vans.
I drove to the park and found Vic's car. I got out and looked for him.
I couldn't find him. I started walking around trying to find him. When that failed I decided to call him.
It rang a little. "Hey princess" Vic said happily. "Hey babe. Uh where are you? I can't find you" I questioned. "Oh sorry. I'll come get you" he said. "Ok. I'm at your car" I said starting to walk back to our cars. "Ok. I'll be there in a minute. Love you". "Love you too".
I waited for a few minutes. He walked up to me and engulfed me in a bear hug. He placed a sweet kiss on my cheek. "Hey beautiful" he smiled. "Hey cutie" I replied back. His smile grew, if that was possible. "What's got you all smiley?" I asked as we started walking. We were hand in hand. "I'm just happy" he said kissing my cheek again.
We stayed quiet the whole walk. It wasn't awkward at all. We just took in mother nature. "Hey princess. Close your eyes" he said. "What? Why?" I asked confused. "Just do it" he covered my eyes with his hands. "Don't let me fall please" I begged. He chuckled "I won't baby". We took a few steps and I felt branches brush my arms and legs. "Ok kells. You can open your eyes" he moved his hands away. When my eyes opened, it was like a scene from a movie. There was a thick blanket with pillows on it and another one folded up. There was also a few candles placed around the blanket. A radio was beside a picnic basket. There was no one else but us. My eyes watered up because it was so beautiful and Vic did all of this. I turned to him and hugged him so tight that my arms hurt. "Can't breath" he coughed. I pulled away and brought my lips to his. I gave him a quick, sweet kiss. "Vic this is amazing. I love it" my smile was so big. "I'm glad kells" he said pulling me to the blanket. We sat down and it was so squishy and soft, it was so comfortable. He pulled the basket to him and started getting out food.
We had chicken, baked potatoes and brownies. When we were done eating I crawled into his lap and placed my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my back and whispered to me "I love you so much that it hurts". I smiled and moved so that I could see his face "I love you too baby". I brought my lips to his. His hands held my fave gently. It was a passionate kiss but it was sweet and soft. I pulled back and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. "I'm sorry that I hurt you" I caressed his cheek. "Princess, its ok. All that matters is that we are ok now and that I still have you". My eyes watered up. I swear I really should stop hanging around Jenna. She is making me softer than I already am. I was just so happy to be engaged to this amazing man. He wiped a tear away "awe. Don't cry" he whispered. I crawled off of his lap and laid beside him. He laid down also and pulled me closer to him. He played with my hair and it put me to sleep. I was only asleep for a few minutes before I woke up. Vic had moved. "Did I wake you?" He asked concerned. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his waist. He was reaching in the basket. "What are you doing?" I asked curious. "Nothing really" there was a small pause "awe kells look at the bunny" he pointed to beside us. I released him and turned to see the bunny. I didn't see anything though. Without turning my head I asked "where? I don't see it". I get really excited when it comes to these things. "Its right there beside that tree" he said. I still didn't see it. "I think your going crazy" I turned my head back to him.
He was on one knee holding an open ring box. The rig was a silver band with words in them. "I need you in my life. Without you I'm nothing. I love you so much and I don't want to spend another day of my life not married to you. Kellin Quinn, will you marry me?" Once again he brought me to tears. I nodded and smiled. "Oh my god, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes" I squealed. He slid the ring on my finger and kissed me. "I wanted to do this correctly" he said between kisses.
I looked down to my ring and the words said: I love you princess. That's what he calls me. I know I'm not a girl but I love it when he calls me that.

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