Resist the urge

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So this question is basically about self harm and how to stop yourself from doing anything past making yourself bleed.


This is a hard question for years I struggled with the same issues and sadly it may never go away but many things can help such as

Music- listen to your favorite songs

Writing- write in a journal or anything you want

Drawing- you can draw all over yourself squiggles whatever until the urge goes away

The 5 min rule- if you feel the urge to harm yourself wait 5 minutes then check and see if you still have the urge and if it's not keep going becusse eventually the urge will go away

Another tip is if the urge doesn't go away after continuously and I mean continuously I have friends that have done it for over 15 hours then do cold water not hot it will have the same pain effect but won't harm you as badly as if it was scolding hot

LOOK, I know hurting yourself seems like the write answer I bet 100% when you do hurt yourself and look back your mad that you actually did so try those things I guarantee they will heLP


If you ever had these feeling and need to talk to someone don't be afraid to message me I am here we are a family I promise.

I love you all and until next time see you later my lovelies


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