About Me...

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"Hi I was observing f you could tell us a little more about you so like idk I haut wanna know please and Thankyou"

Name: Lynzie (zgirl24)
Nickname: Z or lyn but only a few people call me that I like my full name
Birthday: May 9th
Age: 16
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship: single
Health issues: a lot
Anxiety/depression: yes
So you like yourself: sometimes

Hair Colour: Dark brown almost black wit purple streaks (I want full purple)
Piercings: yes
Tattoos: eventually

Sport: volleyball
Number: 24
Drink: peace tea, Arizona, Caramel iced coffee
Favorite color: Purple
Dream Job: animal cop
Fear: death, Bain buried alive, dying without saying goodbye to the ones I love
Music I like: Mostly post-hardcore but I listen to almost everything

YouTube? I love youtube, I am a "youtuber in progress"
Minecraft? I love Minecraft

Last time I cried: yesterday
Scars: yes (if u want details message me)
Place you want to go: I want to go to California again
Okay guys so that was my about me someone asked for it idk why but ok lol

If u have other questions leave them in the comments and I'll answer 100% truthfully

Have a nice day/night and u til next town see you later my lovelies

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