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This is a hard question in a way...
You don't want to do anything that hurts your relationship as friends because from what I read and the way you said it you guys seem close.
But... Technically you never broke up and you should bring that up to her just be like " look I know that we drifted apart but the truth is I never wanted to break up, I don't want to ruin our friendship and if that is all we can be I'm fine with that but I still really care for you and want to be with you"

That's the best I can think of sorry


Hi guys so I've gotten new questions and I'm going to be answering 1 tomorrow and 1 the following day. I am going on vacation the 15-23 and I am most likely going to have wifi so...

Until next time
I'll see you later my
Lovelies - Lynzie 💜✌🏼️💜

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