How to Deal with Death

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This is quite a difficult question to answer because everyone deals with death differently,

Some make fun of it

Some find happy memory's and tell jokes about the person who died

Some want to be left alone to mourn by themselves

Some want to be comforted

And some just don't know what to do
Also think about this becusse this is what helps get me through when people die that I love and care about.

When people I know die I become quiet I cry a lot and a mourn silently then after a while I become better but then when I do get say I start to think about the Native American belief that when you are sad about people who died it means they are around you and then when you start becoming happy again nth at is them leaving but they come back kind of like a yoyo they never fully leave, idk this helps me get through
I hope this helps, remember to vote,comment and message questions

I love you all and until next time see you later my lovelies

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