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"How to be good at something"

Some people are naturally good at things some are not let's take guitar for instance some people can just play automatically some need 5 mins to learn some need days or even months it's all according you buy don't give up if you don't get it becusse it will eventually work out I promise and at the possibility you can't get it which is slim choose something else and try it I'm sure it'll work for you


Hey my lovelies so I'm back I did not want to take a break and I didn't everyday I've checked for questions but none are being sent in and that is a problem.
I need you guys to share this story comment it on other books of it comes down to it (I don't want to do this) but you guys need to share it I'm sharing it as much as possible but me just doing it isn't working I want this story to do great things for Jack becusse he left a legacy and he told me he needed me to leave one as well without questions I can't make content without content this book can't become popular and without that I can't make Jack proud.

Until next time see you later my lovelies 💜✌🏼️💜

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