Friend(girl) is crushing on me but im straight what should i do?

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There are a few ways that may work in resolving this.

1 have a conversation about it a real one don't walk away don't let her walk away either. Talk it out explain to her that your sorry but you don't like her like that and even though you don't it's not awkward for you and you still want to be as close as you were.

you stated that you did tell her you are straight and don't like her like that so I believe her tapping or hugging you isn't necessarily encouraging any behavior because you told her you didn't feel the same way. I think you may be unintentionally making it a little more awkward then it would otherwise be just because you don't want to lose her and you don't want to confuse her.

So my advice is to live life like it was pretend she doesn't like you and it will eventually pass. You letting her hug you and stuff is not encouraging any behavior because you flat out told her you were straight. I do not think there is anything to feel awkward about or shh away from.

I hope that helps if you need anything else feel free to message me .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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