Chapter 4: The Prison

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An: I watched this video on youtube by AviiAvatar03 about Jinora and I loved it! You can see the video above! I also thought how this relates to my story. Do watch it! 

Anyways back to my story.. 


Pema rushed to her injured husband who was being supported by Kai and Makko.

"What happened? I thought you guys were only going to visit Katara??" Pema questioned.

"We did, but on the way back we were attacked by Korra's clones." Opal answered, she was helping Asami, who had been guarding Korra since the attack, bring Korra to a room for her to stay for the while.

"We managed to defeat the two other clones since we already defeated the fire clone thing earlier, but Master Katara was right, the air clone is impossible to defeat! Thankfully we managed to escape on Lefty before the airship exploded."

Kai couldn't speak at all, seeing that airship explode brought the nightmares back.

"Yeah! It was scary like the clones eyes were pitch black like as if Korra was in a dark Avatar state and heck even Tenzin couldn't defeat her! There must be someone else even better then Tenzin but thats like impossible since Tenzin is like the son of the last Avatar and-" Bolin stopped when he noticed Opal glaring at him.


"Right, anyways we know one thing from the attack today."

"What?" Bolin asked his brother.

"We have to find the master...and fast."


The knock on Kai's door interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in." He said in a monotone voice.

Asami peered through the door and smiled softly.

"Hi Kai."

"Asami? What are you doing here?" Kai asked, getting up from the bed.

"Just checking how you are.. that hit must have hurt your back."

Ah right, when he defeated the earth clone, she sent boulders at him and made him hit the airships wing rather roughly, he hadn't even thought of the aching pain on his back.

"Oh I'm fine thanks."

Asami closed the door behind her. 

"Right, and the explosion? You seemed like you had a lot in your mind." 

Kai sat back down on his bed and looked at the floor solemnly. 

"It's been five years Kai."  Asami began. "Everyone has already moved on.. maybe you should too." 

It was only when she open the door to exit the room when Kai spoke up. 

"I'm sorry, but I can't" 

Asami looked back to face Kai before shutting the door behind her. 

"Then what are you doing with that other girl?"   

"I don't know" Kai answered honestly.


"We got reports that.. here" Lin Beifong pointed to Whale Tale island. " that the Dai Li and The Red Lotus are keeping a bunch of airbenders hidden beneath the mountains, similar to the one where Korra was taken to when Zaheer was still a big threat."  

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