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In that old, untouched English forest, there is a pathway. A pathway that warps your senses. A pathway that leads to an old timey way of living. A pathway that leads to a little village, oppressed by the iron fist of whoever lives in the stone castle on the hill. A little civilisation hidden in the forest. A little civilisation that believe in fairy tales.

When you look at it, you would never know that for hundreds of years, there has been a village of people living there. You wouldn't see the signs. That's because you can't see where the world shifts. It's like you've stepped into another dimension. Maybe that is what you do.

When you walk through the forest, you'll find it, you'll find the world that lurks within a heavily polluted England. You'll find the world from which you cannot escape. You'll find bliss, heaven on earth. Also known as The Willow


It's a spectacular sensation, to fly... to be in the air, wings cutting through wind like a knife through warm butter. It's a brand new perspective; the trees that surround the village where I have spent the past few years in hiding.

Staring ahead, I can marvel at the beauty of our true forms. Darius's form is grand and beautiful. His scales are hook shaped like thorns. He's mighty form is green, the same shade as that disgusting looking mould coloured trail of scales that crawl up his face live ivy. His eyes are almond shaped and his sclera is a burning orange colour. Yet compared to Nezbit, Darius might as well be a bunny or a pansy. Now Nezbit, Nezbit looks strong. You can't see his scars at all! Nezbit looks totally ferocious, his skull has a frill that fans out into three points on either side of his face. The oldest of the three of us, has a great strong wingspan and by far the most control and power in the air. His scales are an angry red an each file into points finer than knives. I duck my head in acknowledgement; my brothers are a lot more comfortable with this kind of movement, but that's obviously due to experience. I've never done this before...

The castle is so close that I feel like I could reach out and touch it. Every brick, every weed and every crack in the stony structure feels like I'm staring at the face of an old friend. Nothing has really changed. Everything just appears to be liminal.

Nezbit is the first to lean to the left and descend from the air. Darius follows him and I am not too far behind. You would think you would need to be trained to soar and land. It's simply instinctual.

As my brothers land, their reptilian features are almost shrugged off and their armour is unveiled once again. Yes, some of the traits of their equipment do demonstrate that they are dragons, I mean, I should know, I had to practise manipulating my own capabilities. I stare at the handiwork of those from my wife's village. The craftsmanship of their equipment is incredible and definitely sturdy enough. I glance at Nezbit's helmet, which has a decorative metallic frill, custom made by moi, showing those who are in battle around him, that he is in fact Nezbit Arragon.

I can see Kaida. He is standing on the roof of our stony home, he's bigger than I recall. What kind of power may he now posess. I can only assumed that he has impregnated Fern. Could becoming a father also bring one more power? Should I have asked Darius and Nezbit that? I mean, they may have also done the same to their own brides. Who knows, I might be an uncle but because of all of this scheming to rise against the tyranny I won't know until I see my sisters in law. I miss those kind natured discussions. I miss being seen as the pathetic runt; the one that nobody gave a damn about talking to.

"Books in the library aren't in English."

"I can see that now." Fern laughs meekly. She pushes her glasses up.

"Well, its a nightmare to learn how to read this. Would you like to read to you?" I offer.

"Shouldn't Kaida be fussing over me?" Fern enquires. I try to avoid her gaze.

"Kaida's not in a good place right now." Understatement. I shoot a glance at Kaida's wife.

"Oh?" Fern blinks in shock.

"Sorry." I duck my head. "If you would rather Kaida..."

"No! You're my brother now!"


"Brother in law, right? Since I married Kaida..."

"Oh." I slap my forehead with my palm. How stupid. How could I forget that technically Fern is my sister now?

My brothers are quick to take advantage of two years of meandering through this castle, practising and training; developing skills they could use on this day; such as pivoting off of walls and using their broad scaly arms to glide through the air and up into the chambers of their wives. Which are conveniently right above us.

I shudder, suddenly overcome with concern about Cardelia's wellbeing. Could she be hurt? Maybe even dead? She has been in charge of leading our troops into battle while we take on our stealth mission. Once we have my brothers' wives with us, I am meant to carry them on my back, to a safe place; the village being guarded by Vivian and Justin Hunt. During the time I am to spend transporting them there, my older brothers are expected to have engaged and disarmed King Kaida the tyrannous.

I smile sadly. Let's just hope that this all goes according to plan.

"Come on...GAH!" That didn't sound good at all. Something just happened up there, something just hit my brother. Something caught Darius off guard.

So much for planning. I guess that it's stupid to assume that your opponents will just do everything you want them to do. 

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