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In that old, untouched English forest, there is a pathway. A pathwaythat warps your senses. A pathway that leads to an old timey way of living. A pathway to a little village, oppressed by the iron fist of whoever lives in the stone castle on the hill. A little civilisation hidden in the forest. A little civilisation that believe in fairytales.

When you look at it, you would never know that for hundreds of years, there has been a village living there. You wouldn't see the signs. That's because you can't see where the world shifts. It's like you've stepped into another dimension.Maybe that's what they do.

When you walk through the forest, you'll find it, you'll find the world that lurks within a heavily poluted England. You'll find the world from which you can never escape. You'll find bliss, heaven on earth. Also known as The Willow.


Darius had left the room after me and used the grass to hide himself as I run to the gates. I can feel eyes on me. One pair is bound to be Kaida's.

This is nerve wracking. what can I do to protect my brothers. They want to protect me. I owe them protection, my skills are terrible and basic.

I feel a burst of heat trailing me. Please, please don't let that be Kaida. If it is I'm dead, being crowned is believed to enhance your abilities even more than full maturity does.

"Here's your loyalty." Nezbit clicks his fingers and more heat. Faster. It's closing in on me. I shout in fear, wordless cries. But they get the message across, a body, wrapped in roots rises from the grass.

I grimace. Darius just broke into our family graveyard. The flames strike the corpse and I continue to run, the cloud of smoke allowing me to run from the ground. At the gate, I lock gazes with Darius. He smiles before shoving me away. I have to run, I have to get out of here.

I glance at the sky, the clouds are a pinkish peach, they're coming together from all directions, forming an ominous sheet of fluffy peach colour. If that is what I think it is, I ought to move, before the clouds spiral outwards and cause a mystic storm.

The blonde in the pretty navy dress isn't too far away. She's heading to a wood! If I could just catch up to her...

"Cardelia!" she looks up and her eyes widen with mortification, fear causes the blonde to bolt into the woods. There's a mystic storm coming, is it that close? I always knew of the concept of a mystic storm and that they occur on the day that a new king is crowned, the intent of the King is reflected in these storms. This is going to be ferocious! And I have nowhere to hide.

"Cardelia!!!!" I try again. She isn't showing any signs of coming back. I dig into my pocket. Bingo! A knife! I run my fingers across the smooth metal. I yelp as the blade extends to the length of a real sword. I've never used a sword before. Wait! I just extended a blade. I can do things! I have a real skill. A petty skill but I do have a real skill related to my heritage.

I use this new blade of mine to hack a pathway into the woods. Is this wood enchanted? This path is decorated with vines and thorns. Bright green lights keep shimmering from the walls. Darius? I hope you're okay.

A clap of thunder shakes the ground. I trip over a root and bang my head on the floor. As darkness takes hold of me, I spot the spiral of clouds circling our castle. This storm will be unpleasant. At least I have a canopy above me to protect me from the violent and unpredictable storm. A flash of distinctly blue lightning crawls to the ground . My eyes slowly close...


I feel a few hands on my skin. Are Nezbit, Darius and Kaida tickling me? I try and slap them away.

Wait, no. It can't be my brothers, Kaida's gone mad with power and I'm somewhere in a fores, trying to find Cardelia Eldrige. Then who? Who is touching me?

"He's coming around!" Darius! I would know that voice anywhere. I sit bolt upright. My big brother is sat with me in some sort of cottage, some sort of plant is covering his skin. It has a healing touch.

"You used up all of that stuff. That green sparkly stuff. He flicks me in the head. "You had barely left the castle. Seems a bolt of Kaida's blue lightning struck the pouch. You've got a nasty burn on your side, Draycey. " I am told. My head lolls to the side. I'm so out of it.

"Rest. Rest, Drayce. " I am instructed. I try to relax my muscles and nuzzle back into the warm bed.

"Darius? Where am I?" I choke out, why is my throat so hoarse?

"My house. Prince Drayce, you're in my house." I turn my head to see the blonde girl who today is wearing a burgundy dress. Cardelia, I'm in Cardelia's house? How? How did I get here? Please don't let Darius have carried me!

"I'm glad I got you here. No way you would have made it on your own. " Cardelia says.

"I'm sorry for burdening you, Cardelia. " my throat hurts. Why am I talking? Why am I forcing myself, just to speak to her? Is it because she's my bride?...Wait, SHE carried me?

"You ought to be sorry! Some prince you are! Princes are meant to be swift and valiant! Not submissive and scrawny!" she turns her nose up at me. I frown.

"I know, I suck right now. Give me time! I'll show you!" I snap, arms folded.

"Your big brother gave me all the information I need. We're sparking a revolution! We're going to have to fight! You're lucky I was taught that sort of thing. I'm a pretty good swordsman if I do say so myself!" Cardelia puts a fist to her heart as a symbol of her strength and determination.

"Well good, Draycey has a long way to go as far as psychical maturity is concerned. A long way to go." Darius laughs lightheartedly. I never understood why my brother was so perky and cheery.

"Thanks. " I fold my arms.

"How much are we talking? " Cardelia folds her arms.

"Til he's had a sexual relationship. " Darius laughs. Cardelia folds her arms.

" That's not happening! " She presses.

"Well it should! " Darius shouts. "Once that happens, we can attack!"

"We're starting a revolution? " I cock a brow.

"Yes. And you, runty runt are the one who will head the charge. Unless you're down with a WOMAN heading your army."

"Sounds good to me. She's clearly more skilled with weapons than either of us. Cardelia, when the time comes, will you lead us?" I ask my bride.

"Of course, you'll need me either way. Might as well do something useful. " Cardelia nods her head once, eyes hard and determined. She looks more proud of the fact that she was asked than mad that Darius didn't deem her worthy as a leader. I'm glad she's not that mad. I reckon an angry woman and a strong dragon would result in quite a weird battle... Though it would have been amusing to watch.

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