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In that old, untouched English forest, there is a pathway. A pathway that warps your senses. A pathway that leads to an old timey way of living. A pathway that leads to a little village, oppressed by the iron fist of whoever lives in the stone castle on the hill. A little civilisation hidden in the forest. A little civilisation that believe in fairytales.

When you look at it, you would never know that for hundreds of years, there has been a village of people living there. You wouldn't see the signs. That's because you can't see where the world shifts. It's like you've stepped into another dimension. Maybe that is what you do.

When you walk through the forest, you'll find it, you'll find the world that lurks within a heavily poluted England. You'll find the world from which you cannot escape. You'll find bliss, heaven on earth. Also known as The Willow


It was really awkward to see my brothers all pained while I got away unscathed. Darius has it much worse than Nezbit but he isn't showing as much sensitivity to the pain of his injuries. At least the duo succeeded and got Kaida, the real Kaida to see sense but it's still awkward. Was all of this my fault? Or was it theirs, Nezbit and Darius'?

There is still a faint red mark across Nezbit's face while Darius is still quite sore and swollen. He was burned because unlike Nezbit, who can fight fire with the fire that he radiates, Darius' powers do not repel flames. Flames can destroy moss. Flames can destroy anything. Nature is dominated by flames. Darius didn't stand a chance. Thus the shiny pinkish swollen skin.

"I just have to soak in water to reduce the swelling" is what Darius had said last week when he had been injured during that fight with Kaida. What is worse, being all burned and pained or a huge grim cut from a claw crossing your face? I'm not sure that I would want to be nearly fried or lasted with that whip of thorns that Darius made on that day, simply to find out.

Nezbit's all mopey and his air of self pity is clear. It was like he had forgotten what pain felt like. Maybe he had, the fast healing of a dragon reduces the impression of pain.

"Tch, weaky weak boy is all morose." Darius snorts a laugh, tucking me under his armpit. The injuries didn't cause Darius to stop being jolly. I try not to smile but Darius' happiness is all except Nezbit. And now Kaida too. Maybe it's just me now...

"Hey." Nezbit approaches me, a sinister look in his eyes. "Don't be all grim looking Drayce. None of this shit's your fault."

"But is it Kaida's?" Darius enquires.

"Questionable." Nezbit muses. "Well we ought to get ready, the crowning ceremony will start soon."

"But!" I interject.

"No, Drayce. Conform." Darius encourages.

"But-." Again I am cut off

"But nothing Dracye." Nezbit snaps, he makes a fist. My eyes widen in horror as his hand combusts.

"Man, he's mad." Darius whistles as if wind is leaving his mouth before commenting on Nezbit's anger.

"Shut up or there will be a huge red fist print on your already swollen and normally gigantic forehead.

"Big forehead, big brain." Darius smirks.

"Sureee." Nezbit flicks his wrist and the flams encasing his palm almost jump off of his skin and vanish.

"Impressive." I muse.

"You're impressed by THAT." Darius scoffs with a jolly laugh.

"It's cool." I nod once.

Chance Bride Of The Dragon PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now