Chapter 6

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Hello, nerds :P I'm sorry for the lack of updates, I've been busy with family and personal issues. Can't you believe summer is halfway over?! I'm in denial. If you wanna follow me on tumblr, find me at cosmicloveandblankspaces. If you have kik, message me at wifistarbucksandlove. I hope to meet you all soon!

As Stark and Banner made preparations to upload JARVIS into a synthetic body, they occasionally made small talk with you.

"S-so... w-what's your past with the twins?" Bruce asked nervously as she checked over his data. Tony was in the corner making final adjustments to something.

"We were all experiments of HYDRA, and we had no one but each other... although I've spent years by their side, they can be quite guarded around me." You explain to the scientist.

"Do you remember how you became a HYDRA experiment?" Bruce questions further, and you gulp. As you open your mouth to answer, Tony speaks.

"Let's fire up this baby!" He smiles, rubbing his hands together. You let out a relieved sigh, and watch as the two men work quickly to upload JARVIS into the synthetic body.

"Stop!" Captain America rushes in, and the twins follow close behind him.

"Y/N!" Pietro calls, and blurs to you. He wraps his arms around you tightly, and whispers something softly in Russian. Wanda calmly walks over and smiles softly.

"Vhe vere so worried about you." She whispers as you break from Pietro, and pull her into your arms. It was nice to feel the ease of tension between you two for once.

"I never hated you, Y/N." She says, and breaks from my grasp. The three of us turn to the two scientists, and watch as the God of Thunder  breaks through, using his power to help upload JARVIS. Pietro slowly pushes you behind him, and you only roll your eyes as the synthetic body whom would soon be known as Vision comes to life.

Well, I hope that was a somewhat decent chapter! Message me! I am loving the endless feedback from you guys! You guys are so patient and supportive. I love you.

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