Chapter 15: Back Again

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(I'm working as hard as I can to get these updates out! I'm really sorry but we are moving tomorrow, so it may be a while till the next update, which is why I'm trying to update all my stories, and then do some chapters in my notebook tomorrow! Hope you enjoy this chapter! xox Felix)
/\Dedicated to all you readers out there/\

Chapter 15: Back Again

I waved at the boys as they strode into the Great Hall, unable to keep the grin off my face. They come and sit down, James and Peter in front of me, Sirius and Remus next to me.

"Hey, how was your summers?" I say cheerfully.

Sirius shrugs, "The usual. You?"

I mimic his response, "The usual. How 'bout you Jamie?"

James grins, "Had the lads come over to play Quidditch. Remus didn't want to fly though."

I raise a eye brow at Remus, "You didn't fly?"

He looks down in embarrassment, "I...I don't like heights."

"I feel the same way," I say easily, "Siri, poke his nose for me, he's too far."

Sirius gives his trademark bark like laugh and pokes Remus' nose, who looks rather amusing with his pink tinted cheeks. I giggle and reach across the table to poke James, whom has the same reaction. Sirius laughs, dropping his head on the table. Several students had looked over in curiosity. I look to Peter, "Jamie poke Petes nose."
James snorts but pokes Peter's nose anyway. Peter's face scrunched up, and I burst into a fit of giggles, leaning on Sirius shoulder. Sirius looks up and points at James, "Look at you, following her orders!"
James kicks me under the table. I stop giggling instantly, "Did you just kick me?"
Peter and Sirius 'ooooooh' and both cover their mouths. Remus looks amused, "You're going to regret that one James."
"I meant to hit Sirius!" James yelps, pulling his knees to his chest and nearly falling off the bench.
I try my hardest not to laugh,"Oh so you meant to hit poor innocent Siri?"
James doesn't have time to reply, as Remus bursts out laughing much to my surprise, and from the looks on the others faces, theirs too.
"Sirius Black, innocent?" He stifles his laughing, but is still shaking from the ones he's holding down, "He pranked James parents!"
I turned in my seat, "You pranked his parents?"
"Re-e-e-m-u-s," Sirius whines, "You promised not to tell!"
James pouts, "The one with the squirrels? Sirius I was grounded for two weeks!"
Sirius went to retort, but the Hall fell silent as the sorting started.


By the time dinner was over and we got back to the dorms, the waning gibbous was starting to shine in the sky. The full would be in three days, and it felt as if my energy was already sapped. I whistled for Paws before flopping onto my bed. The little cat hopped up onto the bed. Remus looked to my questioningly, "How can you stand to be around her?"
I roll over and prop myself up onto my elbows, "Who?"
He points to Paws,"Her."
I trie and look back at her from where she resets on my back, "She likes me. Most animals don't."
Remus looks surprised, "I thought animals liked werewolves."
I nibble on my lip, "They don't like me much. Garb and Paws were the only ones besides Crow to ever like me."
Remus sat down at the end of my bed, "So what do you know about werewolves? I know I didn't know much compared to what you must know..."
"Well," I start a bit shyly,"I'm sure you know most of it. There might be one thing you don't know about though. Have you heard of Janes Curse?"
Remus frowns and shakes his head. I sigh, "Well, there's a story that goes along with it..."

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