Chapter 23: The Wolf Within Them

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   I could see it, the moon shining down on me. Just a few moments till I'm in pain. But, I'm not so sure I know what pain is anymore. 

  I know it hurts, trust me I do, but this pain makes me want to peel my own skin off, to gently squeeze my eye balls from their sockets, and to chew them up in my mouth. Graphic, undeniable pain is all I know. My need to howl with my siblings, have the stress leave as I rake my claws down my prey, down trees, down my own arms, down my own face. I need to taste blood is stronger than usual. The puny human is sobbing with in me. I'm happy to finally see that she has given up the fight against me, to try and force me back and regain her own mind. No, she- while she still had control of my body- sat in the room of dead trees, sobbing into her own false fur. I felt us being watched and tried to tell her, but she told me 'bad no wolf go away you freak' and i shrank back, knowing my time would come. 

  I listened as she cried, listened as the male wolf slipped behind the tall wooden shelves and I heard his shuddering breath of his own pain. I wanted to comfort the other wolf, and she seemed to want to as well. But, we didn't, because a barrier much like the one in the forest blocked was from her. Accept this one was one I knew I wasn't allowed to pass. 

   Night eventually came, and she crept out of the stone den and into the forest. She practically gave herself to me before the moon even raised, before the glorious freedom even came to me. She told me to kill her. But, she must think I'm stupid. For to kill her, I would have to kill myself.   


  I heard her crying in the library and i wanted to help, I wanted to go over and hug her tight and tell her I forgive her. But, I couldn't, Siri promised me that if I ignored her, he'd tell her before the moon rose that we forgave her. She looked like a mess, and the wolf wanted to talk to her, probably to the wolf part of her that stayed so close to the surface during this time. 

  So, after a few moments of gaining my composure, I headed back to the common room. But, the guilt never left my shoulders.




"Siri?" I say softly, grabbing his hand on our way to the Shrieking Shack, "You told Rose right?"

  Sirius went rigid, "Shit."

 "Sirius!" I snap, "You forgot to tell her?"


 "Sirius, she could die! Stress makes moons hurt worse than normal, triple the pain of- of-" I start to hyperventilate, my chest growing tight at the thought of Rose all alone in the forest with a stressed werewolf.

"Rem," Sirius says, "I told her, don't worry." 

  I nod frantically, ignoring the strange scent coming off of him from those words. He kisses my cheek and hugs me, and I enter the shack, ready to face the wolf again. 


The human is fighting me again. I snarl and growl, but he won't silence himself. I attack him, gnawing at my arms and stomach, ripping my claws through  my skin. He'll remember this next time. 

Hey guys, it's Felix! Thank you SO much for seven THOUSAND reads! It means so much to me! 

So, here's what I have for YOU! I say we have a fan competition! It is a arts competition! Here's what you can do as an entry (you can submit one entry for each category!) :

-Music (I honestly don't think anyone will do this, but hey options!)

-Fanfic-fanfic (where you write a fanfic of this fanfic so it's basically fanfanfiction lol)

-Fan art (I'll probably print out your picture and add it to my fanart wall lol)

If you want to be in the competition, just personal message me that you want to join and I'll give you my email. These will be due by next Saturday at midnight! I'll read them Monday though, so don't worry about time zones.

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