chapter :1 Zora and Tera

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Zora's Pov
The first day of school was always the hardest. Especially for me , I'm Zora (the one on the right ) I'm what people call the ugly twin .And quite frankly I'm starting to believe it .

I was a bit shorter than my sister Tera ,her hair was longer .
Her eyes were prettier then mine . She was just more liked to . But I was the oldest .

Her lips were fuller ,and she had much more of a body shape than me , she likes to have fun and doesn't take many things seriously .But unlike my sister I was kind and caring .

Although I did have sort of an attitude problem . We got along fine . But I envy her , I wouldn't tell her that of course .

and I had a boyfriend my sister didn't want a boyfriend because she was just the type to flirt and play around.

You could even call her a slut . Atleast that's what everyone else called her behind her back .

Me and my sister shared a room together ,we lived in a small

apartment with my mom and her boyfriend Roy .
Roy wasn't the nicest of people actually he wasn't nice at all ...many times we would see him and my mom argue and it would end up in attempted hits or crying and glass shattered around the floor.

my mom was a tall blond ,she almost always tried to see the good in things ..well except when she is doing drugs .

She didn't make sense when she was on drugs , which was mostly all of the time .
Roy came into our life sometime after my dad died . I'm assuming when we needed somewhere to stay .
We didn't see our mom much anymore .

My mom Martha has had a drug problem since we were very little ,I think it is because my dad died.
I only have one memory of my dad.


.''come on girls we have to get home before your mom gets there so we can surprise her."   He said sweetly .

We were going home to bring my mom this humongous teddy bear my father bought her for her birthday.

'' daddy will you love us forever "I asked suddenly .
I actually don't know why I said that .
I was about 5 or six .
And kind of weird . I guess I just wanted reassurance, now when I look back on it I think it was just Intuition "of course pumpkin but you have to promise to watch over your sister ''he replied with a kiss on my forehead .  Before getting into the car .

that day driving back some rogues attacked the pack because they found out we were hybrids. I don't actually know what they wanted from us .

They were waiting for us at the gate .
And that's when the car crash happened .

We had been kept a secret for a long time . Where we use to stay didn't accept "creatures " like us .
They saw it as a abomination or something not normal .
Idk I never understood that even now at 17 .
I don't remember much .
Just the car crash , my dad screaming .
Me and my sister being carried away by some man .
The next day I woke up beside me mother . In the forest . my sister was missing .

I remember how cold the ground was . How afraid my mother looked as we searched beside the river for my sister . The rain so heavily hitting me .
I had no shoes on , I think I was too in shock to even ask where my father was .
A couple more hours and we finally  found her . Laying beside a big oak tree .
It was dark by then and I barely recognized her .
She was cut deep. From her chest down to her leg . She never told me and my mom what happened .
No one ever said anything about that say at all .

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