Hey Moon.

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Okay I admit it, watching final destination on my first plane ride was not the best idea. I gave myself ridiculous anxiety that the plane was going to implode at any given moment. She gave me sympathetic smiles through out the journey. I was startled when she gripped my hand as we took off, I guess she was scared too. I'd never had a 'partner' in anything I ever did, the feeling was bizarre. Maybe she felt the same nerves I felt about moving into her home, this was comforting to me.

After hopping off the plane or rather stumbling off with far to many bags and trembling legs. My stomach had that terrible sinking feeling of anxiety as we reached Sue's car. This was real I was really moving out, I had done this many times before but never this far away. The change felt good but the thought of restarting was nerve wracking.

During the journey from airport to Sue's house she filled me in on everything I could possibly wish to know, I think she was talking through her nerves but I'm glad one of us was. I would be attending Palo Verde High School where Ryan currently studied. Apparently all of their family on her side had attended, I wondered if if be considering part of that family history one day. I knew which buses I had to catch 'just incase' but she assured Ryan would have no problem driving me.

The house was beautiful, your typical suburban American dream house, picket fences included. On the porch hung a bench-swing, decorated either side. It was a typical clean cut neighbourhood house and all I'd ever wished to be a part of. After showing me each perfectly furnished room she led up to my soon to be bedroom.

"This is you, kiddo" Sue opened the door to my room cautiously, I think she was worried about my opinion. Little did she know nothing could be worse than my room back at the home. It was blue walls with, yellow bed sheet, it was all kinds of colour blind wrongness. But this room, my god, this room was so different.

The walls were a crisp, magnolia to match my furniture with copper/rose gold decorations. There was giant rose gold 'B' resting on the glazed floorboards. Each dresser was perfectly cluttered with candles and scent diffusers. My bed was a metallic, Ivory shade with elegant curved edges. It was like stepping into my bedroom but Sue had better taste than I had.

"If you don't like it, it can all easily be changed. Just say the word an-" I had obviously taken to long to respond. I wasn't unhappy I was just struggling to articulate how happy I was.

"Sue it's perfect" I plopped down onto my bed, gazing around my room in amazement. I couldn't believe somewhere this grand was mine.

"Thank you, thank you so much" I flung my arms around Sue instinctively. She seemed to freeze then relax into my embrace. When I pulled away she was beaming the most honest smile.

"No thank you, I always wanted a daughter, I mean I have one but we're not as close as I'd like us to be, she misses her father y'kno" I could tell she skipping over a subject which clearly had heart in the balance.

I unpacked my things and filled each draw and cranny. I hung a few band posters on the biggest blank wall, I knew Sue wouldn't mind. Now I had Fall Out Boy, Paramore and a few other typical Emo bands watching over me I felt safe.

Next Morning /Ryans POV :

Just like every time I got in late from drinking, my body would wake me up at an unearthly hour just to punish me. Since I couldn't do anything to get back to sleep and my hangover was preventing me from focusing on my guitar, I headed for the shower. I knew this would wake me up in the worst way, if only I had some hair of dog lying around to settle my queasiness.

Bliss's POV : (Play music now)
So it was 7am and for the first time in years I wasn't awoken by all of the younger children in the home. I was in an extremely quiet household where I was free to wake up at my leisure. Little things like that really make you appreciate a different home. However, I was awake and didn't feel like making the impression that I was a slob on my first official day here. Clumsily clambering out of bed like a newborn deer, I made my way to the bathroom. The extra-hot shower water relaxed every tense muscle in my shoulders. I always told the younger children at the home I showered with the water so hot because I practiced for burning in hell. As you can probably tell, they preferred my fairy stories to my sarcasm.

Ryans POV :
Groggily approaching my bathroom, I was startled by the door flying open. I immediately jumped backwards, looking up at the doorframe to see what kind of intruder was hiding behind. My line of sight was lowered as I spotted a petite, girls frame, her back was cloaked by cascading dark hair. Shit what did I take last night? I'm fantasising visions, oh god I'm going to kill Matty. I slapped myself in attempts to wake myself out of the daze. The loud smack, startled my vision and she jumped around to face me. Oh dear, this was real.

"Urm hello I'm  Bliss...are you like okay?" She asked timidly, to the stranger she just saw slap himself. Her appearance was striking, deep pools of blue for eyes, cherry stained lips and constellations of freckles sparkled across her cheeks.

"Hey....I'm Ryan and yeah I'm fine I apologise for staring at you and for slapping myself, I mean-"

She looked down and bit her lip I thought she was going to just walk past awkwardly and pretend it never happen but then a seriously cute giggle escaped her lips and she looked up covering her face. Her laugh was infectious and I couldn't help but laugh too .

"Soo .... " she spoke between giggle fits.

"How bout I shower and we'll hang out ?" I replied ,I was scanning he body with my eyes she had a really good figure ,ok now she must think I'm a creep  . "I'm not a creep I just like your shirt .. I wasn't checking you out , not that you're not beautiful I mean oh god" I stammered praying for the universe  to just swallow me or erase what I just said.

"Ryan don't worry , I'll erm see you after you get a shower then ?"She attempted to save and forget what I just said.

"Yeah .. thanks" I nervously said before  we switched places , I was in the bathroom and she made her way across the hallway.

Bliss's POV :

Ok I'm kind of mental screaming for multiple reasons . Susan's son is extremely good looking , but he saw me dancing like a mad woman also I think he checked me out ... but then tried to hide it .Mixed messages here! I was kind of excited he was interested in hanging out with me ,I snapped from my trance and began to get dressed , properly.

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