But Who Could Love Me ,I'am Out Of My Mind ?

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Bliss's POV :

We were about to enter the kitchen ,fingers linked and I stood in front of him.

I whispered "I don't think your sister knows who I am ?"

"What d'ya mean ? Are you like top secret mafia ,here to patrol Nevada for classified reasons" Ryan's sarcasm crawled through my brain ,he reached over me went to twist the door handle.

"Care to shut up ,betch." I sounded like a blond bitch ,even though I was a brunette.

He stuck his bottom lip out and shrunk his shoulders ,I grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the door.

"She must think i'm your close friend or .. or you know?" I widened my eyes.

"Or my what?" He furrowed his eyebrows and gave me fake sexy eyes

"Oh shut up you knew what I meant ,Ross"

"I just wanna hear you say it "

"Fine ,your girlfriend the words of doom."

"Jesus ,am I that repulsing?!" he said strangely serious

"God no , I mean your hot and smart and all that perfection you got up there " I said rubbing my hand in fast ,circular motions , in front of his face "is great ,I just thought guys thought girlfriends dragged them down like lowering their game"

He began to cackle and clap his hands in laughter managing to choke up "You think i'm hot ,you think this is perfect" he sang like a teasing child ,mocking my previous hand action .I punched him in the stomach ,causing him to be knocked back a few steps.

"Fuck ,sorry... you just ,yano annoyed me "

"Ok ow "he said smiling before pulling me close "I don't mind you look hot when your angry ..." he whispered awkwardly trailing off , we stayed close for a few moments and he pulled away.

"I realise I just said that out loud and were gonna move on and forget it okay ? C'mon breakfast ,don't worry about the ice queen"

"You think im hottt when i'm angryyy" I sang mocking him ,he squinted his eyes angrily .

"Ohh c'mon"

We walked into the kitchen and I sat at the breakfast bar ,it had awesome rotating chairs I rocked side to side slowly.

"Some OJ ?" Ryan asked holding up the orange carton

"Sure" He poured our juice and sat by me .

His sister looked at us and smiled to the ground.

"What bitch ?" Ryan snapped.

"George Ryan Ross watch your language mister" his mom growled walking into the garden.

I sniggered to myself at his full name ,he shot me a look from the corner of his eye he'd usually argue back but he was at war with his sister this time.

"Yeah bro chill out ,I'm just glad your not some lonely ,emo writing songs in your bedroom all day "she mocked him and he ran his tongue along his teeth in anger .

"Slut " he did't even try and hide what he was saying he stared her straight in the face and smiled ,jeez this was intense.

"You know Ry it really is no wonder you ended up here with us again ,I bet dad couldn't wait to get rid of you that why he did what he did" she was a bitch , a real bitch he never mentioned his dad I figured he wasn't around because of a regular divorce but Ryan eyes steamed his breathing was heavy and his fist's clenched the glass. She glanced at my shocked face

"Oh he didn't tell you did he ,yeah our dad-"SMASH.

The glass in Ryans had smashed into a thousand tiny pieces and his hand started to bleed ,he almost pressed his face to hers they were that close .

"Get the fuck out " he spoke every word crystal clear .His mom ran inside and looked horrified I grabbed Ryans good hand and squeezed it tight .

"What in the world ?" his mom said panicked.

Ryan squeezed my hand back and pulled me out of the room ,I reached my hand up and stroked the side of his face with the back of my hand .I lead him upstairs to the bathroom ,I rang out a small towel covered in warm water .Almost every piece of glass had already fell out of his skinny little hand ,I turned it washed it with the towel. He winced in pain.

"Ow ow fuckity ow "I smiled and bandaged it up slowly.

"Thanks babe ,I mean err-"god he's so sweet ,I couldn't help it. I crashed my lips to his he fell backwards into the bath but he didn't even break our kiss .He pulled me on top of him by my waist and rubbed my sides gently.I kept my hands on his face and neck and he ran his tongue along my bottom lip .This was like a whole new Ryan ,maybe he was being full on because he was angry I didn't care I liked it. I let my lips slide apart and his tongue slide in ,it was sexy yet sweet I felt butterflies in my stomach and tingles where ever he touched .We finally pulled apart and opened our eyes ,catching our breath .I lay my head on his chest and lay next to him

"Wow " he breathed slowly.

I tilted my head up to face him smiling "Wanna go hang out somewhere, away from that crazy bitch ?"

"Sure ,I'm just glad your not scared of me or think I'm a freak"

"Oh no I do think your a freak ... 'cause I'm a freak too "

"Do you maybe wanna be my freak ?"

"What d'ya mean ?" Oh my god was he asking me the question.

"Look I'm awkward as shit ,I get scared to make a move or say nice things to you sometimes cause I feel awkward but you make me feel accepted ,free and loved. Look ,I know we don't know each other fully but I'd like to know you and I just can't stand the thought of anyone else having you ,so Bliss Bellevue will you be my girlfriend ?"

A tear trailed down my cheek "I'm yours Ry"

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