Akura Ou x Reader

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Hey guys this is my new story that i intend to keep. This is the first one shot of many.


It was a lovely day out , the sun high in the sky, the birds chirping ,what could ruin it. The answer is, the demon king Akura Ou. As I was saying, it was a lovely day out, and Akura Ou noticed that. He decided he was going to rain terror and destruction down own a nearby village. About an hour after the attack Akura Ou heard some noises by a" used to be" house. Apparently, one of the demons under his control, was being beaten with a shoe by a village girl. Correction , a pissed village girl. "Oi, Woman" Akura Ou shouted at the girl and got her attention, long enough for the demon to escape. Akura Ou grabbed her arm and harshly pulled her into his chest. For some reason this girl, a human girl, was not frightened, even a little, by the fact that the all mighty demon king currently had her in between his chest and arms. "What's your name girl" Akura Ou said with a smirk. " [name] [surname]" she said with an irritated voice. Akura Ou chuckled at her tone, taking it as a sign of her disliking the situation. "Well [name], you should be honored that I have taking a liking to you. Akura Ou knew that she would be a very fun plaything.

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