Chapter Four

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"Welcome to day two!" a guy with big hair says at the bottom of the wooden bleachers that we sat in yesterday.

It is day two of the internship program, and we've met this morning to pick our teams. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I always play with the ring around my left index finger when I'm nervous. What do you think I'm doing right now?

"I'm Sid, eight year Googler," Sid continues. "You guys are new Googlers, thus you're Nooglers!" Everyone laughs, probably trying to make him feel better while I just bounce my knee up and down, my nude heel making soft clicking sounds on the ground.

"Now, this place is all about community and collaboration. So, you'll be working in teams from here on now. Alright," he says as Mr. Chetty takes the mic away from him.

"You have five minutes. Pick your teams," Mr. Chetty announces before walking away, Sid following him.

While everyone starts to venture around looking for teams, I just stay put in my spot, a few rows in front of Stuart. We haven't talked at all this morning, which I'm kind of grateful for. I didn't really get a chance to talk to any other interns this morning, either.

As I start to pick at a loose thread on my white, spaghetti strap dress that fits to the waist until it flows out to just above my knees, someone taps on my shoulder from behind. I look behind me, expecting someone other than Hitler.

Oh, I mean Graham.

I roll my eyes at the boy with the obviously fake British accent, turning away from him and looking back down at my lap. "What do you want, Graham?" I ask him, my tone annoyed.

"You know, it's not too late to join my team," he says smugly, resting his foot on the bench beside me, leaning on his leg as he gets closer to me. I can feel his breath on my right ear, making me internally gag.

"If I've said it once, I've said it a million times. I don't want to be on your stupid team," I tell him, turning to send a glare his way.

Even though our faces are only inches apart, he doesn't intimidate me.

A smirk crosses his lips as he looks at me with his shit colored eyes. "Are you sure, red? Because I think you'll regret not joining my team when I'm standing in front of all you losers, the jobs at Google being announced to me and my team," he whispers, his garlic breath stinging my nostrils.

I roll my eyes at his arrogance. "First of all, it's my team and me, and second of all, if you're going to be so close to my face, the least you could do is take a breath mint. I can smell the extra garlic you put on whatever the hell you had for breakfast this morning," I tell him, turning my head away from him to look at all the other interns who are finding their teams.

From the corner of my eye, I can see him glare at me, fuming. "You're gonna regret this, red. You'll see. And I'll make sure you and your team go down hard. Don't think for a moment that I wouldn't do anything in my power to make sure that I win this competition," Graham tells me, getting so close to my ear that I can feel his lips moving against it.

I just sit there, listening to his bullshit as I squirm uncomfortably at the feel of his lips on my ear. I feel him smirk as I squirm at his presence. "I'll see you later, red."

And then he's gone.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, my hand shaking a little. So, I might have lied when I said that I wasn't intimidated by him.

He's scary as hell.

After recomposing myself, I look around at the bleachers again, finding that there are only five other interns who are sitting by themselves. Two of them include the idiots from my seminar yesterday, another one being Stuart. The other two are an Indian/American girl with a red dress and black hair to die for, and an Asian boy, picking at his right eyebrow hair. I raise an eyebrow at him before a guy with big glasses, curly, dark hair, and an over enthusiastic smile on his face comes bounding up the steps.

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