Chapter Fifteen

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"I can't believe it's over."

Stuart nods at my statement as we sit on the couch in my dorm room, my head on his shoulder as his arm is wrapped around my shoulders. I snuggle into his side while his other hand is entwined with mine, his thumb softly rubbing circles on my thumb.

"I know. It felt like it all went by so fast," he comments, his cheek against my forehead as we stare at the blank TV in front of us, my suitcases sitting by the couch, ready for departure tomorrow.

It's silent between the two of us for a few moments, Stuart placing a kiss to my hairline. I smile, turning to look up at him, my chin on his shoulder. He smiles down at me, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"So, what was your favorite part?" I ask, curious to his answer.

His whiskey eyes look at me through his glasses, thinking about the answer. "Well, I met this girl. She's beautiful, smart, too sarcastic for her own good. We didn't get along very well at the start, but she learned to take the stick out of her ass and warm up to me," Stuart jokes, making me roll my eyes and squeeze his side. He squirms, glaring at me. "She was reserved, but opened up. She's sassy and not afraid to speak her mind. And incredibly sexy."

I roll my eyes with a smirk, leaning forward a bit so our noses are brushing. "Oh, is she, now?" I ask as he smirks back.

"Yeah. You know, Neha has just got such a great sense of humor and—"

Pulling my hand from his, I slap his chest, making him laugh. I chuckle, causing him to look back at me. "What about you? What was your favorite part?" he questions, his laughter dying down.

With a sigh, I shrug. "I don't know, honestly. A lot of it was really good. I met some pretty amazing people that I now get to work with. I got such an amazing job which is more than I could ask for. I met an amazing guy. I couldn't have asked for anything better," I answer, smiling up at Stuart.

He smiles back down at me, placing a kiss on my forehead. "About this time tomorrow, we'll be on different side of the country."

My smile drops at the thought of him going back to Massachusetts tomorrow while I stay here in California. "Don't talk about it, please," I mumble, cuddling further into his side.

Stuart sighs, pulling away from our position so now we both face each other on the couch. He grabs both of my hands while I look down at my lap.

"Hey, hey," he says, making me look up at him. "We're gonna keep in contact as much as we possibly can, okay? I'm gonna make sure of it."

I shake my head, tears stinging the back of my eyes. "Stuart, we're gonna be 3,125.7 miles away from each other. How are you so sure we're gonna be able to do it? That's even different time zones."

He rubs the back of my hands, leaning in closer. "Because it's only a year, and we'll be back here by this time next summer. I believe in us, Holl. And I hope you do, too."

"Of course I do, Stuart. I'm just scared."

Again, Stuart sighs, leaning in further to press a kiss to my lips. I sigh into the kiss, tilting my head a little for better access. He pulls away after a moment just enough for our lips to still be touching.

"You have nothing to be scared about, okay? I promise."

With a small smile, I nod. "Okay."

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