Chapter Six

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After walking out of the room, I decided that it was rude of me to just walk out on them like that, especially Lyle, since he didn't do anything, so I turned around and went back in.

"Okay, just for the record, I'm not doing this for you guys. I'm doing this for myself, Nick and Billy, and Lyle. So, don't think we're back on good terms, okay?" I tell them, throwing my bag back on the desk.

Neha and Stuart just roll their eyes at me before going back to work, me joining them along with Lyle and Yo-Yo. The air is very tense. You could cut it with a knife.

Now, we sit at the computers, trying to figure everything out.

"Yo to the Yo, where are we at insuring it wasn't a networking issue?" Lyle asks Yo-Yo, sitting next to him at his desk that is across from mine, my back facing them while on my right is Stuart.

"Confirmed there was no..."

I tune out of their conversation, until I hear that he's almost done with something. I turn around, looking at him.

"I'm sorry, almost? You're either done or you're not. You can't be almost pregnant," I say, my tone kind of hostile to the Asian boy.

"Yeah, hey, she would know guys," Stuart says, turning around to look at Yo-Yo and Lyle as well, causing me to glare at him.

"You know what, why don't you Google 'asshole', asshole?" I ask him, done with his shit.

"She's right, it's not good enough. Get it together, Yo-Yo," he says to himself, pulling out some of his eyebrow hair. Neha and I look at each other with frightened looks on our face.

"What the fuck was that?" Neha ask, looking back at Yo-Yo who sits next to her.

"I was punishing myself for my inferior performance," he says, continuing to pull out hairs.

"Well, that's good," Stuart says, turning back in his chair to his computer. "That's great. We've got crazy over here and crazy horny over here."

I give him a fake smile, propping my elbows on my desk. "Oh, let me guess; big dick, 'cause, little dick?" I ask him, pinching my fingers almost together to create a small space.

"Did your mind just immediately go to a penis joke? Is that like all you—"

"Oh, I'm sorry, was that not witty enough for you? Because I'm too busy working."

"No, yeah, that's fine. I just want you to acknowledge the fact that I'm winning the quip-off."

"That's what you're worried about right now?"

"Yes, that's what I'm really what I'm worried about right now."

"So you're more concerned with snarky banter than actually winning?"


"That's great, that's just great, Stuart. Glad to know that there are people on my team that I can actually trust to get me these jobs. That's just great," I say sarcastically, turning back to my computer.

"Okay, you know what—"

"Would you guys just shut the fuck up? For God's sake people!" Neha exclaims from her seat, causing Stuart and me to look at her. "Look, Holl, I know that you're mad at us, but that doesn't call for useless fighting with Stuart that will get us nowhere. And Stuart, stop being such a jack ass and mind your own damn business. You guys are just as bad as Billy and Nick were. Now can you please just shut up?"

I nod my head sullenly, turning around to my computer again. Stuart and I throw one last glare at each other before focusing back on our work.

This summer just got a whole lot longer.

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