Chapter Eleven

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"The whole world looks like a giant, pinwheel of death right now," Stuart groans as we sit in our office space on the couches with horrible hangovers. Except for Nick, Billy, and me. We hardly drank anything.

I chuckle from my spot next to Stuart, who lies on his back with his beanie pulled over his eyes, patting his chest lightly. I see a small smile come to his lips, and he takes my hand in his before I can pull it away, holding it to his chest. A blush comes to my cheek as Billy winks at me.

"Price of making memories, Stewie," Nick says from his spot on the couch to my right, which also holds Yo-Yo, who has it the worst. He's curled up in a ball on the right side of the couch, a trash can next to him.

"I think my liver hurts," Yo-Yo says, making me roll my eyes.

"Maybe you should've thought twice before downing all twenty of those shots in one minute," I say with an accusing tone. Yo-Yo sends me a glare before groaning and lying back down. I just smirk.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Mr. Chetty coming closer to our group.

"Astonishingly," Mr. Chetty begins, causing Stuart to let go of my hand and struggle to sit up right next to me. I put a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing at his spastic movements, causing him to glare at me, "your app received ten times more downloads than any other teams'." We all look at each other, surprised. "It appears that you have won your first challenge," Chetty tells us.

"How bout it!" Billy says, fist bumping Neha who sits on his left on the couch across from Nick and Yo-Yo, Lyle on his right.

We all start cheering, Chetty saying, "Congratulations."

Just then, Yo-Yo throws up in his trash can, making all of us wince. "Oh, easy there, big guy," Billy says while Neha and I share a disgusted glance. I look over to Stuart, who looks like he's about to throw up as well. I put my hand on his back, rubbing circles there to try and make that go away.

Nick pats Yo-Yo on the back. "He gets over excited," Nick tells Chetty.

"Lovely," Chetty says before walking away, leaving us with a vomiting Yo-Yo. 

"Let it out. Let it out, little fellar."


The next few days are amazing.

We spend the time bonding, winning another challenge, and just becoming closer as a group.

Stuart and I still haven't talked about what almost happened at the club a few nights ago, but, then again, we haven't really been alone since then.

Right now, we're outside, playing volleyball with the whole team. Nick, Lyle, Neha, and I are all on a team, while Billy, Yo-Yo, that guy Zach from Graham's team, and Stuart are all on the other.

Stuart hits it over the net, and, even though I'm only five three, I jump and spike it back over, scoring a point for my team. Smirking at Stuart, who's glaring at me, I accept high fives from the rest of my team.

"You can do better than that, can't you?" I ask him, biting my lip in a smile.

We both walk toward the net, nearly to the point where the only thing separating us is the net.

"You're so on, Brown," he whispers to me, his eyes focused on my lips.

"Game on, Twombly," I whisper back, my eyes on his lips.

"You can almost feel the sexual tension," I hear Neha say as I walk back to my spot. I roll my eyes at her to which she just smirks, shrugging like she couldn't help it.

Game on, Twombly||Stuart TwomblyWhere stories live. Discover now