Chapter Seven

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"Stuart, what the hell are you doing here?!" I exclaim, holding my hand to my heart as I see the familiar brown-haired boy standing at the edge of the yard, a Google bike next to him.

"I—I just want to—I just want to make sure you got here okay," he says, stuttering over his words.

I look at him with wide eyes, my heart beat nearly normal now. "What, so now you're stalking me? I thought I told everyone not to follow me?"

He rolls his eyes. "I was just trying to do something nice, Holland. The nice thing to say would be to say thank you."

A scoff falls from my lips as I cross my arms over my chest, walking down the rest of the steps. "Why would I ever show any form of gratitude to you? I mean, after the two disagreements we had today, I don't think there's much feeling for you I have except hate. If that," I tell him, walking away from him and to the bike parked against the house.

I pull it away from the house, wheeling it down to the street. I get on it, starting to make my way back to Google.

"Holland! Wait!" Stuart exclaims, struggling to get on his bike.

I roll my eyes, continuing on my way as if I didn't hear him. "Holland!"

Starting to pedal faster, I can already see Google in my sight. Stuart's still a few feet behind me, nowhere near catching up to me.

Once I get back on Google campus, I park my bike in the racks, Stuart coming up to the empty spot beside me.

"Holland, would you just listen to me?!" he exclaims as I start to walk away from him, ignoring him. "Holland!" No answer. "Holland!" This time, he grabs my elbow, turning me to face him harshly.

I glare at him. "I have been listening to you, Stuart. I've been listening to you insult me, insult Billy and Nick, and just be a complete and utter asshole. What more do you want from me? That little scene at lunch today? Do you know how incredibly rude that was to Billy and Nick? They're just trying to fit in here like the rest of us. You know, we are the ones helping you get this job. You could be just a little more grateful. So, maybe you should get your head out of your ass and actually start caring for your teammates for once!" I exclaim before turning away from him, walking toward my dorm room.

I can see the eyes of the people who watched our little escapade, but I chose to ignore them, holding my head up high.

Can I go back to Nana's yet?


"So, have you talked to Stuart, yet?" Neha asks me as we sit on the couch in my room. She came by earlier to apologize for what they did to Nick and Billy, and since she was the only one who was man enough to apologize, I accepted it. Plus, she seemed genuinely sorry.

A sigh escapes my lips as the TV plays old Friends reruns. I nod my head. "I wouldn't say it was talking, more as it was yelling," I explain to her.

She sighs. "I'm sorry, Holl. I know you guys were hitting it off at the beginning of the week. But then he just started acting like a total asshole. I mean, where did he even get that crazy horny thing, anyway?" Neha asks me.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. I think he was just trying to get on my nerves. And after I said the 'almost pregnant' thing, I think something sparked inside him. I can deny that he is unbelievably witty."

Neha shrugs her shoulders. "I guess. Look, I know you absolutely can't stand him right now, but do you think you could do it for the sake of the team? You're the smartest one out of all of us. We need you, and you can't be at your best if you're pissed off at Stuart all of the time."

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