New Story

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Hey, guys! 

Sorry, this isn't an update, but I just wanted you to know that I have a new story up. It's a Stiles Stilinski fanfiction, Girl Almighty, and I would really like it if you'd go check it out!

Excerpt from First Chapter: 

"Dad! I'm home! Now, wanna tell me why you wanted me home so earl—" the teenage boy cuts himself off as he looks up from the ground, spotting his father standing by the stairs with suitcases, surrounding him, along with the redheaded girl standing by all of the pictures that line the walls. He points to the girl while looking at his father. "Who's this?" he asks curiously, face wiped of emotion.

Sheriff Stilinski smiles nervously at his son, walking over to Bea and putting his hand on her shoulder. The girl is small in comparison to the older man, her skinny arms crossed over her chest. "Stiles, this is Beatrice Knight. She's going to be staying with us for a while," John says, trying to avoid telling him the reason why.

But of course, Stiles being Stiles, he asks the question anyway. "Why?"

A sigh falls from his father's lips, making the girl bite her lips. She takes a wild guess that the Sheriff hasn't told his son about the newest edition to the family.

"Stiles, for about a year now, I've been thinking about how much I've missed having someone else around in the house, especially female. I mean, it's pretty obvious that two men live here, right?" When Stiles doesn't answer, John goes on. "Well, I decided it was time to bring someone else into the family, so I registered into the foster care agency. It took a while, but after about six months, they told me they had a child for me. When I went on that business trip a few months ago? I was actually meeting Bea, over here. So, say hi to the newest edition to our family, Stiles."

Standing there, Stiles says nothing, his face completely emotionless as he stares at his father and this new girl that is supposed to live in their house and be a part of their family. There hasn't been a female to live in this house since his mother, and he had wanted to keep things that way.

But he usually doesn't get the things that he wants.

The boy doesn't say anything as he pushes past his father and Bea up the stairs, his socked feet barely making noise. Seconds later, the two still downstairs hear the slam of a door and nothing more.

The sheriff closes his eyes, breathing out his nose. The scenario he had pictured in his head about how this whole introduction would go has been flushed down the toilet and replaced with the worst case scenario possible. This is not how he wanted to welcome Bea into their house.

"I'm sorry, Bea," the older man apologizes, turning to the girl. She gives him a smile, patting his arm.

"It's okay, John. I get it. He's a teenage boy and he feels like his sanctuary or whatever has been invaded. He'll get over it eventually," Bea says, comforting the older man.

"Thanks, Bea. That helps a lot. I'm still sorry for his behavior. He's old enough to know not to act like a five year old."

The girl shrugs, bending down to pick up one of her suitcases. "Well, I am seriously sweaty and disgusting and would love to take a shower before dinner. Mind showing me to my room?"

John laughs at the girl's boldness, nodding his head as he picks up her remaining luggage, starting up the stairs, only one thought crossing his mind.

This is going to be interesting.

Hope you guys decide to check it out! Thank you all so much for all the reads on this book. It's going to be wrapping up with another chapter, so be on the lookout! 


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