Chapter 1: happy birthday sister dearest

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Dear Diary,
Stefan has been gone for a while. Elena won't stop looking. I tell her everyday it's no use but she doesn't listen. Today is our birthday. We are now 18. Caroline is throwing a party. One I didn't want btw. I can't help but feel something towards Stefan. But all I know is he is gone and isn't coming back.

I closed the diary and put it on my bed. I put on a blue top and some skinny jeans with converse. I brushed my hair and grabbed my bag going over to help Elena at the Salvatore house. I walked in and Damon was standing there butt naked and Elena was turned around.

"Oh my god Damon put cloths on" I said turning away fast to the door. Once he wrapped a blanket around his torso I walked over to Elena and grabbed the chips and walked into the other room. Elena found me and started talking about finding Stefan.

"Elena you have to understand we have looked and looked and he is no where we have to stop and plus it's our birthday so let's drop it for today" I said to her. She sighed and nodded. I gave a weak smiled then pulled her into a hug.

"Elena I can't promise that we will find him but you can try" I said to her. She nodded and I pulled away and put some balloons up. Caroline and Tyler were there then Tyler said something that shocked me.

"Well you did kiss him so you might have messed with his head" he said. I looked at Elena wide eyes.

"Tyler!" Caroline said right when I said something.

"You kissed Damon!"

"I'll be right back" she said walking away.

"Oh no no no no come here we need to talk" I said following her making them laugh.

"You kissed him?!" I said to her. She sighed turning around and nodding.

"My god" I said to her. I walked away and grabbed my stuff going out. She wants to find Stefan yet she kissed Damon. I got in the car and drove to the house.

3rd POV

Brianna went home and got some stuff for the party. Stefan was hiding behind some doors and watched what she did. She grabbed her stuff and left. Stefan came out and looked at her diary. The one thing he will take away is her.

Brianna's POV

I got back to the party and it was packed. I walked passed some people and they told me happy birthday. I got a drink and looked for Elena.

"Elena!" I yelled when I saw her. She was in heels And a white dress. As for me I was in skinny jeans and a blue tank top and some converse.

"Happy birthday my beautiful twin" I said to her smiling. She smiled back.

"You too" she said. I talked to her then thought it was really crowded and needed some air. I went out to the back and Looked into the woods. I heard someone behind me so I spun around only to be met with the eyes I hadn't seen in a while.

"Stefan?!" I asked shocked and taking a step back.

"Happy birthday Brianna" he said with no emotion. I was gonna make a run for it but he grabbed me and then my phone.

"Damon should be out in a minute" he said grabbing my arm. Damon came out.

"What is it my damsel in distress" he said in a cocky tone then when he saw Stefan holding my arm and me scared out of my mind.

"Stefan" he said stopping. Stefan's grip got tighter. I winced then looked at him.

"Stop looking for me" he said to Damon. Damon looked at me then to Stefan.

"Well if you have Brianna Elena won't stop" he said to him taking one step closer.

"I'll let her go when I know you stopped looking" he said then he grabbed me and we were gone in a flash. The next thing I knew I was in a car and knocked out. He really took me so they would stop looking................

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