Chapter 12: how together are they Brianna!

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"How together are they?" Stefan asked me as I sat there on the couch looking down.

"Brianna!" He said. I opened my mouth and nothing came out. He got the point and he got watery eyes and stood up. He was more than hurt. He was pissed and started throwing things. I flinched then raced over and grabbed his arms making him stop.

"Stefan stop!" I said looking into his eyes. He stopped then I pulled away fast and looked away from his eyes.

~~cole attacks night~~

"So you couldn't distract him for more than an hour or two?!" I asked Elena. She shook her head and then there was a knock at the door.

"That's Bonnie" Jeremy said but when he opened the door it was Cole. I grabbed onto Elena's arm.

"I've considered your offer........ Denied" he said making Elena slam the door. We ran up the stairs and grabbed some weapons. I ran in my room and slammed the door. I heard him breaking doors down then I opens my door slowly. I saw he had stabbed Elena and threw Jeremy down the step. I waited till he was down stairs to help Elena. I stood in front of her and then looked down the stairs. I walked down the stairs slowly then as Cole was about to chop off y brothers arm.

"Leave my brother the hell alone!" I yelled stabbing him with the knife as Jeremy sprayed him with the water then I stabbed him an he got set on fire. I stepped back. Elena raced down and we all looked at the door to see Klaus.

"What did you do" he said with tears in his eyes. I gripped Jeremy's arm tight as I did to Elena's. He was mad then Bonnie told us to let him in we did and he got stuck in the living room.

"You leave my family alone" was the last thing I said to him before going over to the Salvatore house hold.

I was standing next to Stefan as Elena stood next to Damon. Damon just decided to tell Elena that Stefan slept with Rebecca.

Elena looked shocked and that made me mad.

"Don't looked so shocked Elena you stepped with Damon broke Stefan's heart and chose Damon. You just want everybody to want you! To be in love with you! Why can't he move on?!" I yelled at her.

"She tried to kill me" she said making me shake my head.

"She has been more of a sister to me than you ever have!" I said. I shook my head and walked out. I walked home and decided to talk to Klaus. Maybe he has advice even though he is pissed

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