Chapter 3: lies and confesions

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So after that whole thing I tried escaping. So Stefan and Klaus tied me up to a chair. My bangs got messed up and well Rebecca Klaus sister came back to life. Idk why but she try's helping me escape but it never works.

"Why won't you just let me go?" I asked Stefan as he sat there doing nothing.

"Because my brother can't listen" he said with no emotion. I rolled my eyes sighing.

"Why because my sister cared and wanted you to come home and oh you want to e left alone so you take me bull crap Stefan tell me the truth" I said. He leaned forward as looked me in the eye.

"I don't want to go back I am not in love with Elena and I'm not going back" he said to me.

"You know Elena spent the whole summer looking for you. When I told her to stop she didn't give up. Stefan she loved you but probably not anymore" I said to him. He had no emotion.

"Well she should have stopped" he said. That made me mad.

"Why are you like this what happened to you" I asked as he got up. He stopped and looked at me.

"I changed Brianna and I won't change back" he said. I shook my head blinking.he started to walk away when I said something else.

"Why won't you just kill me already!" I yelled at him. He stopped and turned around to face me.

"Because Brianna! I love you I'm in love with you!" He yelled back his eyes watery. I shut my mouth and looked at him.

"I won't do it cause I love you" he said walking away. I was shocked by his words because he is supposed to love Elena. She is in love with him and he is in love with me. Man this is a love triangle but I don't know how I feel.

I looked down and Rebecca came in. She was in a hurry but she started in tying my hands.

"Wha-" she cut me off by putting a finger to her lips. She started in tying my hands and then Klaus walked in.

"And what are you doing?" He asked her making her turn around fast. I tried coming up with an excuse.

"I had to go to the bathroom" I said looking at him then her. He nodded and left.

"Thank you" she said untying my hands and leading me to the bathroom. Great now I will never escape.

"Ok so Klaus is out there how am I gunna escape?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"Girls we need to go now!" He said knocking she walked out and I followed them I was put in a truck with coffins and a passed out Stefan. When they closed the door in the back and started driving I rushed over to Stefan.

"Stefan hey Stefan wake up" I said smacking his face lightly. I smacked him hard but he still didn't wake up.

We stopped a while later and a big guy came in and grabbed me picking me up while I was kicking.

He stopped in front of Klaus and I looked at him with a glare. My feet were on the ground but the guy still had his arms around mine.

"Nice to see you Brianna" he said Then the man pulled me away and put me in a car and drove away. It was dark but he took me to my high school? He got out and grabbed my arm yanking me to the front. He walked in and yanked me into the gym. I saw Elena and Klaus and he had Elena by the arm. They turned to face us and the guy threw me on the ground. Elena rushed to help me up. Then we stood there as he made a poor girl stand on one foot and if she moved her boyfriend will beat her to death.

Stefan came in and Elena got slapped and that made not only Stefan mad but me too.

"Don't touch her" I yelled running at him only he turned and smacked me and I flew into a wall. Elena came over and helped me up then Rebecca bit her.

"Where the necklace" e asked Elena"

"Katherine stole it" she said holding her neck. He put a timer on making us all confused.

"When that timer goes off if Bonnie doesn't have it you feed only this time on Brianna and Elena if they try to leave fracture their spines" he told Stefan then walked out.

"Five minutes" I told Elena looking at the clock. I turned to her and made a plan.

"Run" he told us since there were 5 minutes left. I started running while she tried stopping him. I ran and Elena was behind me. I ran into a hard body. Klaus. He pulled me into the lunch room where Stefan was and in front of him and Elena he bit me in the neck.

I screamed in pain as Elena screamed no and Stefan charged at Klaus. I fell to the ground and blacked out........

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