Chapter 4: i didnt want this

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After the whole klaus bitting I've been on watch from Damon and Alaric. Stefan has to keep and eye on both of us why? Elena cause she is a "blood bag" and me god knows why. I was running on the school track when Stefan came up next to me.

"Can't you just leave me alone" I said trying to go away from him but he wouldn't leave.

"You know Brianna now that you are also Elena's sister your a blood bag " he said. I turned the other way and he went backwards. A boy bumped into me while I was running.

"I'm sorry" he said I was about to reply when Stefan pushed him to the ground with force.

"Watch it dick!" He said. I went and helped the boy up and giving Stefan a death glare.

"Your a dick Stefan" I said to him walking away he followed me.

"Well the guy should watch out I mean you are now klaus property I mean we can use your blood too you are consider another double ganger " he said. I turned and gave him a look of hatred.

"Look Stefan I want you to leave me alone" I said and walked away. I went to go change into my normal cloths. I walked out and saw Stefan had a tight grip on Elena's arm.

"Let go of me Stefan" She said. He didn't so I walked over to them making him look at me. I smiled a fake smile.

"Is there a problem?" I asked looking between those two.

"Nope" Stefan said. I lost my smile and looked him dead in the eye.

"Then let go of her arm Stefan" I said. Then Alaric walked up and told him to let go. He pushed Alaric against the locker.

"Stefan stop" I whispered but loud enough for him to hear. Me and Elena stood there just looking at him. He let go of him and walked away. I looked at Elena then followed him. He went out to the parking lot.

"Hey!" I yelled at him making him turn around to look at me.

"What a nice surprise" he said stopping. I walked over and stood in front of him.

"You touch anyone Alaric Elena any of them I will stake you right in your heart.......... If you have one" I said looking him in the eye. Then I pushed passed him. I walked to my car and unlocked it.

"Where ya going" he yelled I looked at him and gave a glare yelling back

"Anywhere your not" I yelled then got in my car and drove home. I got out and went inside. I went up to my room and closed the door. I threw my bag on my bed and walked into my bathroom. I came out in pj shorts and a tank top. Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in" I yelled. Elena walked in a gave me a confused look making me return the look.

"I'm not going tonight" I said figuring it out. She nodded.

"Oh why" she asked as I sat on my bed. I shrugged. She came over and sat with me.

"Because I don't want to deal with butt face Stefan" I said making her laugh and that made me laugh. I smiled at her.

"You should get going if you are gunna go" I said pushing her up off my bed. She nodded an laughed then when she got to my door before she left she turned to me.

"Be safe... While I'm gone" she said nodding. I laughed looking down then nodding my self.

"Will do" I said then she left and went to that thing. I laid in bed and laughed to my self. I read my book for a little then I looked up and saw a picture or a family photo of us all before the accident happened. I smiled then turned off my light and went to bed.

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