Chapter 10: what are you doing

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It was night and I was going over to help Meredith with Alaric. He was the one killing people. She said he was asleep so I went in and into the kitchen.

"He died so many times that it changed him. He has been blacking out and killing people not knowing it" she said. I looked at her shocked.

"I just think it's weird I mean Jeremy has the same ring but I hope it doesn't happen to him" I said sighing and looking down.

"It will get better if Bonnie helps but if she doesn't he will continue to kill" she said turning and grabbing two coffee cups.

"I'll be right back I'm going to the bathroom" I told her getting up and walking to the stairs. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands then heard glass break. I slowly opened the door walking out slowly. Meredith ran up the stairs and grabbed my arm dragging me into the bathroom fast. She locked one for and then the other but when she got to Elena's door he tried getting in. I helped push it then lock it.

"What's going on" I said as she leaned against the sink holding her side.

"He blacked out he is in that stage" she said then I saw blood. He cut her. I rushed over and looked at it.

"I have to get something for you" I said going to the door but she stopped me.

"No he'll kill you" she sad. I shook y head and looked at her.

"You'll die" I said then unlocked the door and went out fast and quiet. I got to Elena's door and then to the outside of her door before he ran at me making me run for the stairs. I got to the flat part before more stairs start when I tripped and fell down them. I screamed and I groaned with every step I hit. Then I blacked out.

3rd POV

Alaric walked down the stairs and looked at her. He picked her up and moved the body to the kitchen. He set her down on the ground and walked to the stairs.

Brianna's POV

I woke up and stood up fast as I realized that Alaric was in the house and was gunna kill us. I I slowly walked out of the kitchen and then around the corner. I felt something sharp in my stomach I looked down and saw a knife. When I looked up I saw Alaric. He shoved it more into my stomach and then let go. I stumbled backwards and looked down. He walked towards me and took it out. I looked at him and then fell to the ground.

Stefan's POV

Me and Elena walked in the house and I felt like something else was in the house. I told her to be quiet and walked to the kitchen and didn't see anything but broken glass. I walked out and saw Alaric. I knocked him out then we went up stairs and to the bathroom. We saw Meredith on the ground against the cupboards. She was bleeding so I helped her. Elena looked up at me fast.

"Brianna Brianna was here" she said standing up quickly and going out but I followed her. We walked down stairs and I could smell blood. We walked into the room next to the kitchen and saw her laying on the ground with blood coming from her stomach. Elena ran over to her picking up her head.

"No no no Brianna wake up" she said. I walked over and I couldn't hear her heart beat. I moved Elena and bit my wrist and put it to her mouth.

"Elena she is gunna wake up a vampire" I told her. She furrowed her eyebrows together until she realized her sister was dead.......

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