Chapter 6: you did what

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I got dressed in a white top a blue jacket thing and some shorts with converse. I walked down stairs and heard Bonnie and Elena talking.

"So you kissed Damon?" I heard Bonnie say. I stopped where I was and waited to hear the reply.

"Yes but It honestly was a mistake" she said. I took one step closer then walked in and grabbed my keys. I turned to the and smiled.

"What I'm just going out" I said then walking past them and grabbing my bag.

"Uh Bri we are gunna go here" she said showing me the address. I nodded.

"Ok good luck Bonnie with the mom thing" I said then walked out. I got in my car and drove into town. I got out and was met by Klaus. I jumped and then gave a hard glare and started walking.

"Your still alive" he said with his smirk following me. I rolled my eyes.

"Your still talking" I said looking at different stores. He chuckled. I turned around and looked at him.

"Why are you here you planned on my hurting my self and I'm one of you two blood bags" I said. He just smirked in response.

"You knew he was-" I cut my self off looking down and thinking. This was a plan of his. He knew Stefan wouldn't just let me die. I looked up at him.

"You knew he wouldn't just let me die even if you shut of his humanity" I said crossing my arms.

"Ding ding ding we have a winner smart girl" he said. I looked at him.

"Yeah well what if he didn't that's one blood bag gone" I said to him.

"But he did" he said loosing his smile. I smirked.

"You can't always have him save me Klaus" I said then walked away from him. I didn't trust Klaus. I was walking when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me with them. I looked and saw Stefan.

"Stefan what are you doing" I said as he put me in his car and shut the door going over to the driver side and driving. I don't know where he was going but he was going fast.

"Stop the car Stefan!" I said. He didn't listen. I looked out the window then back at him.

"Where your sister go Brianna she gave you the address" he said. I shook my head looking away.

"No" I said he looked at me and then he went faster. I looked at him wide eyes.

"Stefan Stop!" I screamed. He didn't listen and we went over the bridge my parents died on. He passed it and I closed my eye. After he did that he went slow.

"Now where is your sister" he asked me. I looked at him in disbelief shaking my head and crossing my arms.

"She is at Bonnie's moms house" I said still looking out the window. He grabbed my bag and pulled out the paper.

"Hey" I said trying to grab it. He made me put on a seat belt and we were there quick. We got out and I looked around then he saw Elena so he went and talked to her. I sighed and walked to the road. I looked on my phone for a while then I heard gun shots. I waited till it was dark then got a stick. There was a man and he had a gun. I hit him in the back of the head with the stick and he fell to the ground. I dropped the stick and ran over to Elena untying her hands. Then she went over to help Stefan.

"I'll wait at the car" I said leaving them some privacy. I stood by the car and waited then saw Stefan walking over. I faces him opening my mouth to say something but instead he grabbed my face and pulled my lips into his. I held onto his forearm and he held onto my cheeks. We pulled away breathless and he let go of my cheeks and walked away to his car. I turned to see his car gone. I was breathing fast and looked around. Elena walked over and said we needed to go get Bonnie.

I got in the passenger seat and buckled. She started driving and realized how quiet I was. She looked at me.

"Are you ok?" She asked. I looked at her and nodded giving a fake smile then looking out the window.

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