Chapter 11

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---- 70 days left ----
---- Bold is Jessie
Italics is Rachel ----

"Listen Berry you need to forgive Lucy." Rachel stopped poring herself a glass or wine and looked at Santana.


"You heard me. She's getting really annoying and is always moping somewhere. Remember when Sam first moved in with us and moped on the couch the entire time?"

"Weren't you not there for that?"

"She's like him, but depressed, and with better hair." Santana took a sip of the wine then put it back on the table. "We can both agree that Sam had terrible hair back then."

"The man bun did not suit him." She laughed. "I'm not forgiving Quinn, she doesn't deserve it."

"Why? It was my idea in the first place you know. Why aren't you mad at me? This wine sucks by the way."

"Jessie has no taste in wine."

"Why are you getting married to him then? No taste in alcohol is a deal breaker for me."

"So... are you looking into other girls then?" She asked carefully.

"No. Why would I? I married." She took a sip of wine.

"Well, if you guys aren't living together..."

"We're not separated or anything. We just aren't living together." Santana was getting agitated and angry, unfortunately a year of isolation via Jessie had led Rachel to be a little less intuitive to these things.


"Listen dwarf, my marriage, which is still in great shape by the way, is none of your business. We are very much still in love. Unlike-." Santana looked like she was going to say something but then she shut her mouth.

"Unlike who?" She asked angrily.

"You're avoiding my original question, why are you mad at Lucy?"

"I'm not going to forgive her, and if you only came here to plead her innocence then you can leave now." She pointed to the door.

"Fine!" She gulped her wine down and grabbed the bottle. "But Lucy needs you gay Berry." She grabbed two couch cushions. "And despite what you say, you need her." She grabbed a chair then left.

"Wait! Santana! Did you just rob me? I'll call the police!" Rachel screamed after her but only heard laughter in response. "Bitch." She muttered.

"Hey babe what's up." Jessie sat down beside her on the couch.

"Santana, was just here. If you'll notice we used to have a chair there. We also had one more bottle of Pinot Grigo." He looked solemn.

"Figures. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: you should really stay away from those glee kids." He squeezed her thigh. "You were always so much better than them."

"They were like my family though." She looked up at him and he gently pecked her lips.

"You have a real family now, me and your dads. I've been thinking." He turned to her.

"We have been talking about starting a family for a while, why are we waiting, I have financial security, and your Broadway show is giving you thousands. I think we should do it." She nodded.

"I'm ready, I love you so much." She kissed him passionately.

In that moment, all she could think about was how he forced himself on Dani. How she found him making out with Shelby, her mom, which was gross. She thought of the time he almost raped a girl in a hallway before someone called the cops. She thought of all this and pushed harder. Maybe if she pushed hard enough she would forget about Lucy Fabray.

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