Chapter 15

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What was there to wake up to? Rachel was with Jessie, she hated me, I had no mom, and a shitty dad. I had no job and it looked like I was going to be the third wheel to Brittana for the rest of my life. I just wanted somebody to love me.

I observed the darkness I was in, suddenly it cleared out into a field. My head instinctively turned to the left and I saw someone I never though I'd see.

"Finn." I breathed out and he patted the bench next to him. I found that as soon as I thought about going, I was there. "Hi." He looked me over.

"You promised me." My mouth turned dry. "Her heart is broken into tiny pieces. Lucy, you promised me."

"You're here. You're alive." I was spellbound watching him move. He was right in front of me. He looked into the field where I saw myself leading a cheering routine from afar. "You used to watch me, when you didn't have practice."

"It's a dream." I watched myself smile at Finn, from the top of a pyramid. So in love. My heart sank at his words.

"Oh." I whispered softly.

"Your subconscious created me out of all your interaction that you witnessed or was part of with me. So I'm pretty much me."

"Is that science?" I felt fall out of my mouth strangely. He chuckled.

"You're already connecting back to the real world. You'll wake up soon." I turned to him quickly.

"You forgave Puck and I, right?" He smiled.

"A long time ago." I breathed a sigh of relief. But his expression turned stoney.

"You broke your promise." I suddenly grew afraid, not that he would hurt me, just that he wouldn't forgive me. "Lucy, you are going to wake up soon. You have to find her, break up her and Jessie, remind her of who she used to be!" Already the field was fading.

"How did you know my name was Lucy?" I asked my voice sounding echoy and far away.

"Quinn died, you saw her on the field." I blinked in surprise. "We make out a lot," his expression turned stoney again. "She still won't let me touch her boobs though. Rachel was so much better at that." I turned bright red and he grinned at me.

"I expect you'll see them soon!" He yelled over the fog enveloping both of us. "Tell her I love her!" He yelled and the white fog turned to black which slowly fanned out to reveal my eyelids. I thought about opening them, decided not to, then threw caution to the wind. My eyelids fluttered.


"Lucy?" Brittany asked, crouching over me. Santana jumped up and did the same. I gave them a weak smile.

"Where's Rachel?" I asked.

"I sent her out of the room, I didn't want to stress you out." Santana said squeezing my hand. I suddenly became very aware that there were two people in my room.

"Can you, um, get puck? Is he here? I need to talk to him. Alone." Santana nodded and grabbed Brittany's hand. The man came in a about a minute later slowly and fearful.

"Go for Puck." he said quietly.

"When I was asleep I got a vision."

"A vision?" Puck scratched the back of his neck.

"Of Finn." He looked interested now.

"Nu? What did he say?"

"He forgave us. He said he forgave us a long time ago." Puck visibly relaxed a little, a tear slipped down his carved face.


"Really." I gave him a smile. He gently wrapped his big muscled arms around me.

"Oh hell to the no! Quick is not a thing!" Someone yelled from outside, it sounded like Mercedes. Puck have a slight smile.

"Our ship sank like the titanic, eh?" He said with a crooked little grin. I laughed.

"Something like that. But it gave us new opportunities." He ran a hand through his Mohawk.

"Suppose your right. I don't like to be tied down after all." We both laughed. "I'll get Rachel, you two need to talk." I turned white. "You'll be okay baby mama, Rachel doesn't bite. Well, actually-"


"Right sorry. I'm going now. Feel better Lucy." I mustered a grin and he walked out. A minute or so later Rachel walked in, she sat down quietly.

"Hey Rach." I was suddenly finding it hard to breath. She was silent. "So while I was blacked out I had a dream where I saw Finn." She looked at me with shock. "He was my first love too." She smiled a little.

"What-what did he say?"

"He told me to tell you that he loves you." I shrugged my shoulders in defeat. "And you're better at sex then me."

"You never had sex with him. Wait, did you?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I think that's the point." We laughed. "I'm sorry." I said finally. She raised her eyebrows.

"For what?" She asked coking her head to the side. I motioned around the room.

"For all of this. I gave up. I promise, that this will never, ever, happen again." I said, and I didn't even bother trying to fight the tears that slipped down my face. She ran over and hugged me tightly. I breathed in her slight sent of vanilla, and felt the silkiness smoothness of her hair. "I am so, so sorry." She just clutched me harder. She pulled away and clutched my cheeks tight.

"You aren't going to do this again, because I'm not going to let you do this again. Do you hear me?" She said fiercely. "It was my fault that this happened, I shouldn't have said the things I did at the time I did." All her fierceness was gone and it gave way to a ramble. "I s-should've waited until you recovered or just s-said it nicer. A-and if you had d-d-died and the last thing I had said to you was-" I moved her hands away and clutched her tightly.

"I will always be here when you need me." She moved away enough to give a watery smile.

"Then I will always need you Lucy Fabray."

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