Chapter 12

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---- 68 days left ----
---Bold is Rachel
Italics is Quinn
Normal is both ----

Slowly like my body was filled with lead my eyes began to open. I looked to the left and saw an IV and another one attached to a vein pumping blood in. Crap. There were bandages over my wrists, I was most definitely alive. Shit, now I have to deal with the entirety of the glee club, not just my mom like last time.

I saw Santana sitting on a chair asleep with a blond mass curled up on her lap. My dad was sitting away from them reading a newspaper, he looked up and noticed me.

"Morning." He said gruffly. "I got your friend out." He nodded to the blond mass. "Wasn't easy, but after I cleaned the bottles out of your apartment they were surprisingly agreeable. Easiest case I ever did. Next time you call me make it for something important. Like your wedding." He winked. "That brunettes cute." He walked out. I stared after him, and for the first time noticed my mom in there.

"Hi dear." I tried to groan out a response but my body was pretty stuck. "Y-you can't do that again. Do you hear me? N-not again, you're the o-only family I have left. I was so scared Quinnie. To think, the last time we had seen each other was Christmas from two years ago!" She began to sob, she was clearly not counting my visit to the hospital last year. The sound woke up Santana, which woke up Brittany.

"MErrphu." Croaked out Santana. Brittany yawned in E flat before looking over at me.

"She's up."

"Finally, I've been here for two godamn days." Brittany hit her shoulder lightly and Santana seemed to struggle with her words. "Owe you one, Q." She squeezed Brittany tight.

"Sorry," Said Brittany blushing. "I didn't know it was supposed to be a surprise."

"You have nothing to be sorry for." Santana said kissing her. I gave a weak smile. "So," she said slapping her thighs. "You're on suicide watch for the next 72 hours. After that, it's your choice if you want to stay in the hospital. You are 23 now. Otherwise you can just come home with me and we can have an epic lesbian threesome."

"Wait she's up?!?" About five people rushed in at once. "No one told me she was up!" Tina screamed.

"Well, no one told me she was up either!" Artie yelled rolling in.

"I still think it's dumb Brittana got to stay in here." Sam grumbled.

"We're her roommates!" One or both of Brittana said.

"Baby momma!" Puck yelled.

"Why can't she talk?!" Kitty clutched my arm around the bed.

"Is she dying?!?" Kurt screamed.

"Guys, y'all is crowding her." Mercedes said spreading the crowd out. I noticed one tiny brunette standing there, with red puffy eyes and a cut lip.


"R-Rachel." my mouth opened and let sound out for the first time.

"Out! Everybody out! Ms. Fabray, pardon my French but get the hell out too!" Santana made sweeping motions and ushered everyone through the door. Then looking at Rachel. "You! Stay!" Rachel and froze and went back to my bedside.

"I don't see why I should have to-"

"Fabray! Out!" Santana pointed at the door, and weirdly, my mom did leave. Brittany kissed her wife's cheek and then led her out by the hand and closed the door.

"You're hurt." I croak out, looking at her lip. She laughed.

"Get a mirror fabray." She looked me over. "However in a true Berry like way, I have a prepared a song."

"P-please." I begged. "Please don't sing!"

"Too late! The musical starting!"

"Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are." I gazed straight into her eyes and sang the next part.

"I had to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart." She smiled at me, even though my voice sounded like a dying cow. Actually remarkably like Santana's.

"Tell me your secrets."

"And ask me your questions."

"Oh, let's go back to the start." We sang together. I thought of senior year, how she alone impacted me the most to change, Beth was just the icing on top.

"Running in circles
Coming up tails
Heads on a science apart." Was this happening? Was it actually happening?

"Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard." What? I didn't understand.

"Oh, take me back to the start." When I rolled down the hallway one my wheelchair and she said she couldn't stop thinking about me.

"I was just guessing
At numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart." Pulling the puzzles apart?

"Questions of science
Science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart." I sang and she gave me a weak smile.

"Tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
Oh, and I rush to the start." When I had to tell her that Finn and I got back together.

"Running in circles
Chasing our tails
Coming back as we are." I looked down to my cuts, than up at her lip, then up again at her tears.

"Nobody said it was easy
Oh, it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard." She shook her head and turned it off.

"I'm going back to the start." We both sang in watery half tears, half talking, no singing voices. Like when she got on that train for New York, and no one knew why I was crying, including me.

"There are four ohs after that." I whispered.

"I don't think we need them."

"Rach, you sang that to Finn as a breakup song."

"Yeah, I did."

"Why are you singing it to me?"

"We can't do this." My heart sunk about five inches.


"I just got out of a terrible engagement, everyone I have dated has transformed me into someone I didn't like-"

"Rachel-" she put up a finger to silence me.

"I just need some time to figure out who I am." I laughed bitterly.

"So that's why you didn't sing, I won't give up on you."

"Lucy, that's unfair, I'm not giving up on you!" I shook my head. "I'm really sorry."

"I should've cut deeper."


"Get out. And get Russell in here, we have some business to take care of."

"No. I'm not going to leave you-"

"Get out and get Russell, if you don't, I'll press the button to make me fall asleep."


"Don't call me that. Just get out." The anger coursing through my veins was enough like blood to move my hand away from hers. Tears starting spilling down her face, and I turned away. I heard footsteps and the door opened, then closed. A few minutes later it did it again.




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