Chapter 5

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At the end of my last class, I was met outside by Michael. "Hey Megan!" I blushed because I was now the centre of everybody's attention. We started to walk out of school. People were staring and i heard a lot of whispering, that included my name.

I tried to walk quicker, but Michael caught up. I couldn't get away from it and i just felt lie dying on the spot. I had to hold back the tears because I'm pretty sure he saw me crying earlier and i didn't want him thinking I was a baby.

Luckily Michael's house wasn't too far from the school and we were there quite quick.

"Welcome to my palace!" he jumped onto the sofa and turned on the TV. To be honest I was scared to do anything. in case he judged me or thought i was weird, so i just stood in the doorway.

"You can sit down you know." he giggled and gestured to a spare seat.

"Err can i just use the bathroom first?"

"yeah its just down there" I made my way into his bathroom and just sat on the side of his bath. i felt sick and i didn't want to be here. I'd rather curl up in bed and do nothing.

I was clearly taking a long time, because there was a faint knock on the door. "Megan? is everything ok? you've been in there for a while."

"yeah .. i was just coming out now." i came out of the bathroom to be greeted with a smiling Michael. i attempted to give him a reassuring smile back but it mustn't have been very convincing because he pulled me in for a hug.

It was strange. He was much taller then me and it felt odd have someone so tall embrace me like that but at the same time I felt comforted and happier.

The night was better then I expected it to be. I felt normal around him. I still couldn't understand why he would bother to be so nice to me but I wasn't going to complain.

Michael was nice enough to drive me home and during the journey, he asked me quite a few questions.

"Megan? Why do you hide away from everyone and everything when such your an amazing person??" I had to really think about what I was going to answer with. Should I tell him about the depression or make something up like I always do.

"Can I text you instead because I don't know how to tell you..."

He knew straight away it was goi to be more serious then expected but he nodded.

"If that makes it easier." The car pulled up outside my house. "You don't have to tell me megan.. I'm not going to force you just know that I want to be here for you and help you."

I got sudden butterflies. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I smiled and made my way into my house.

Why didn't I thank him or give him a nice reply telling him that I knew he would and that I wasn't  afraid to tell him. I can't understand how he had gained my trust in just one night ...

A/N  I'm trying to write as much as possible because I can imagine this being a very long story ... Not on purpose but thanks for reading xx

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