Chapter 9

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Towering over me was the dull building I was about to be shoved off into .

Graywoods : a home of rehabilitation for teenagers
My parents filled out several forms and a nurse asked me numerous questions so she could fill some of them I

"How long have you had depression?"

"Would you say it's gotten worse since you were diagnosed?"

"Is it just depression"

"When does the anxiety occur?"

Blah blah blah. Nothing was worth my attention.

My parents said goodbye. This involved many tears from both of them and a lot of comments like "this is it your getting help" "we love you". I didn't want anything to do with them. There only way to help me was to shove me off the a mental home. Of course they loved me.

"Hi I'm Mandy, I'm a nurse ... But I want you to know that I'm also your friend! I think I have you down as my patient for therapy and counciling."

She gave me an enthusiastic smile but I only could repay her with a weak one. She lead me through different hallways and into a room. Which by the looks of it was my bedroom.

It was ugly. The walls where a dirty white the bed looked rather uncomfortable and the bathroom looked shabby.

"This is your room. Your parents have paid for you to have a single room so you won't have to share. You can decorate it however you'd like!"

Obviously I was going to. It made me feel ill looking around it.

"A bit of information. Your classes don't start till next week but therapy starts in 2 days. You are allowed one visiter at a time and you may use the phone we provide downstairs to make any arrangements. You are free to walk around and do what you like but no leaving the grounds without permission and a pass!"

I nodded to show her that I understood and she left quickly. I sat in the edge of my bed and took a minute to realise that this was my life now. I was already feeling lonely. Maybe I could call michael. We were allowed access to our phones.

I grabbed it from out of my bag and hurried to find his number. But I remembered I deleted it. I was so angry and let down by him that i got rid of his number.

Tears escaped my sore red eyes and I burst out into tears. That was it is never see him again. The only person that actually made me happy. My only friend.

I collapsed onto the floor and brought my knees up to my chest. There was a faint knock on the door.

A tall brown haired boy about my age stood in the doorway.

"I-I heard you crying! Are you okay??" He waited for a reply but I wasn't going to give him one.

"I'm calum... I- I want to help.."
"You don't know me !" I snapped at him. But it only made him walk further in the room till he eventually sat next to me.

"I'd like to." He smiled and I looked up.

A/N thanks for reading please vote and comment and share this with other people ❤️

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