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Warning: This story may or may not be coming to an end rather soon. Namely because I never had a big plan for it.

But also THANK YOU! I hadn't even realized we passed 2 thousand reads! Thanks sooooooo much! This chapter may not be super long, but I think it will add an interesting twist to the story.

---Mabel's POV---

Mabel felt empty space in her hand, she looked over to see... no Wendy. She had grabbed her hand for comfort like she used to do with her mom, but now she had disappeared. She looked over at the glowing triangle who was sitting on the air, twirling his cane around, looking bored once more.

"Where did Wendy go?" Mabel asked him with a stern voice. If a look could kill... well, Bill maybe wouldn't be dead.. but definitely badly injured.

"Ah, don't worry Shooting Star. It's all under control. Ice is back in Gravity Falls."

Mabel's gaze hardened. She didn't know if she could trust him, but decided it be better not to try and argue with him, and just hope he's telling the truth.

"Besides, Pinetree's almost done."

Mabel looked back down, seeing that Dipper was quickly approaching the exit. Her eyes burned as she fought down tears, but let out a simple cry to him.

"Come on, Dipper!"

---Dipper's POV---

Dipper continued to run, his head aching, feet sore, and cramping hands barely able to keep a hold of the suddenly very heavy pistol. He slipped on the wet ground, dropping his weapon in the process, and could here the odd gurgles of the aliens closing in. He looked back, spotting what seemed like every alien on the entire map, and they were coming right towards him. He scrambled up, fighting fatigue, and ran blindly ahead. A bright light cause him to lift his head to meet it. There was what seemed to be a small star in the distance, but as he grew closer he could see it was a doorway. His breath was running thin by now, and more aliens seemed to be spawning around him. He slowed down, panting, before looking up towards the shining door. 

"Come on, Dipper!" 

He straightened up, looking around despite the danger of aliens around him. Was that his sister's voice?  No, his sister was back at Gravity Falls with Wendy. Or at least she should be. She made the deal, but she shouldn't have been dragged in.

"Dipper! Hurry up already!"

There it was again, this time it sounded much more sorrow filled, as if she had been crying.

"Dipper! Don't just stand there! Run! Shoot! Something!"

Dipper didn't listen to her, only spun around more to try and find her. "Mabel?" He asked. "Mabel!" He said again, this time much louder.

"Dipper! You're right next to the exit! Just go! Please! Before..."

Then it cut off. Dipper couldn't hear his sister's voice anymore. But turned to the shining doorway instead. It had big red letters floating over it that spelled out 'EXIT'. How come he didn't notice this before. And right when he did, a slimy hand reached out to grab his shoulder. He ended up falling back, but quickly forgot his exhaustion as he got out of the alien's grasp and ran towards the exit, emerging himself in light.


I would've made it longer but... it's 8:30 in the morning and I gotta head to school. So, hope you enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2015 ⏰

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