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Dipper woke up in a nearly blinding white room. What had happened? Shouldn't he be hurting, or even... Dead? He looked around. There was literally nothing. It felt like being in a-house-for-crazy-people room. Then, at a second look around the room, he saw an outline of a triangle. A triangle? He got closer, and when he was maybe a half a foot away and eye in the middle of the shape opened. He screamed and fell backwards as the triangle became yellow and floated up.

"Hi Pine Tree!" Bill exclaimed, his voice echoeing in the small room.

"Bill?" Dipper asked, confused. After realizing the situation he grew angry, why was Bill here! "Why are you here Bill! And why am I here!" He yelled at the dream demon.

"I would calm down Pine Tree. That is unless you want to die." Bill warned. "Your sister made a deal with me to save your life. You wouldn't want me to break the deal and you die because of your bad behavior, now would you?"

Mabel made a deal with Bill? To save him? Where was Mabel? He hadn't seen her, her or Wendy.

"Don't worry, Ice and Shooting Star will be watching you." Bill said, reading his mind. 

"What do you want with me? What was the deal?" Dipper asked.

"The deal was that in exchange for your life you would complete a video game of my choosing."

"A video game?"


It was really that simple? Well this was going to be easy!

"Well then, I see your eager to begin. So let's!" Bill boomed and at that he disappeared and a wall fell down to reveal a different room. One with a variety of weapons and armor.

Then it hit him. Mabel had been tricked. It wasn't that he just had to beat a video game. He had to survive in it.

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