The Accident

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Dipper walked along with Wendy and Mabel along a new lakeside park, still currently under construction. The workers had taken the break for the day and the three friends had decided to spend the day there.
They walked along the side until they came to a jungle gym thing. It was designed to get higher the farther you go.
"Hey Dipper! I dare you to cross the jungle gym and come back!" Mabel said excitement visible at the thought of her brother doing something athletic for once.
"I don't know Mabel, it doesn't seem safe." Dipper replied his voice quivering a bit.
"Come on! Do it! Do it!" Wendy and Mabel started chanting. He gave in and got on the balancing beam at the start. It shook a bit under his weight and even more as he progressed.

Around thirty minutes passed, and Dipper had reached the unfinished top. He was a good solid twenty feet off the ground. He looked down at the concreted bottom and he couldn't help but wonder why people made these things for kids to play on.

The only thing holding him up was a thin platform that creaked every time he moved. Getting paranoid, Dipper began going down when there was a sudden, over-expectedly strong wind. The wind kept blowing stronger and stronger until neither Dipper nor the jungle gym could hang on any longer. Dipper fell to the bottom with a terrifying CRACK! Not long after, the hard, thick wood fell on top of his limp body and splinters flew everywhere.
Wendy and Mabel ran over and pulled Dipper's limp, unresponsive body. Shaking him, calling his name, both girls fought back tears at what they had done. Then, just as unexpectedly as the wind, an all too familiar high pitched, scratchy voice could be heard. Then the world turn gray and the yellow triangle appeared, Bowtie and all.

Mabel's eyes widened "Bill!"



Sorry if the accident isn't the most life threanting thing.. In my dream he only fell off a porch area a few feet off the ground so I had to imporvise. And sorry for such short chapters.

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