The Game

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Mabel walked slowly down the corridor until she saw his shadow coming down the hall. She quickly darted to the side of a connecting hall and prepared to ambush her potential attacker. He thought this was all a game, no, this was more than that. She had to prove something to him once and for all! The footsteps got closer and she braced herself. She let out a deafening battle cry and ran out, guns blazing. Before she knew what happened her screen became scarlet and the text 'GAME OVER. OPPONENT WINS.' She threw her controller down and took off her headphones to her her twin brother mocking her from the other side of the cardboard wall they had put up.

"Woo Hoo! I win again!" Her brother, Dipper, yelled victoriously.

"What happened to the entire 'letting me win sometimes' agreement we had?" Mabel asked, annoyed by her brothers constant mocking after every time he won at something.

"I only agreed to let you win with board games not video games." He pointed out, smiling. "Come on it's ll fun and game, lighten up!"

"You wouldn't lighten up if you we're beat every single time you were beaten at one thing." Mabel mumbled to herself before grumpily leaving the living room to get ready for bed.

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