chapter 6

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"hi young lady," shawn said while shaking Maria's hand

"Hi," Maria said shyly

"whats your name??" shawn questioned

"Shawn" Paul said trying to make it easier on her " you know what her name is"

"Yes, but steve said to ask" Shawn said back "and have her answer"

"Maria" Maria stated quietly

"Uhh??" Shawn said putting his ear closer to her

"Maria" Stated louder

"That a girl," Shawn said he was going to give her a high five but didnt think that was a good idea " what can i give you to show that is a good job without scaring you"

"shake my hand" Maria said knowing that was the only thing that didnt scare her.

Shawn shook her hand.

"so what do you 2 want to eat??" Stephanie asked. " you both have to agree"

"im fine with anything" Maria said

"no you 2 have to decide" Paul said

"I dont know what i like all ive ever had was mac and cheese, Ramen noodles and apples... oh and i tried oatmeal for the first time yesterday" Maria said

everyones jaw dropped

"did none of the previous homes feed you??" paul asked in shock

" they did but they all gave the kids mac and cheese and ramen noodles" Maria explained "because it easiest to make"

"Well how about this, i'll decide what we'll have for dinner and we'll have apple pie for dinner" shawn said

"ok deal" maria said while shaking his hand

"steak it is" Shawn smiled

" yes!! do you want to help me make the food Maria??" Paul asked trying to give her since of comfort in the fact cooking is something she has done before.

maria nods they walk into the kitchen.

"have you ever made steak before??" paul asks

maria shakes her head no with a little bit of fear in her eye

"its ok i can teach you. so im assuming you dont know the different ways it can be cooked or which way you like it" paul stated

maria shook her head no again

"alright we for you we'll do it well done ok??" paul asked

"ok" Maria stated

Paul had made the steaks on the grill while stephanie made salad. Once all of the food had been done they sat at the table. Paul had sat at the end of the table stephanie sat next to him and Maria had sat next to stephanie and Rose.

"Do you like you food Maria??" Paul asked

"yes, it amazing!! Especially this"Maria said with a smile while pointing to her steak. " thank you for the food"

"Well im glad you like it" Paul said " tomorrow is raw and all of the girls are going. I want to know if you want to go as well?? There will be big guys around there and if you were to stay here, but they're all good people and we can have a security person by you when we arent by you if you want. Stephanie's father will be the one coming here and checking in on you to make sure you're eating and that your ok"

"You would let someone you barely know stay in your home while you're not here??" Maria questioned thinking it was weird to have that option.

"We trust Steve; he is really good at reading people and said that you were a good person that been put through a lot and needs some help and that you're definitely not a criminal" Stephanie said " it is in New York so not too far away from here, but We were planning to spend the night in a hotel. You would have to share a room with the girls though"

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