Chapter 40

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One hand over my mouth, I squint, trying to avoid getting any paint in my eyes or mouth. Breathing it in could be detrimental to my health, and considering how messed-up I already am, I don't particularly want to play with fire. The cans last a lot longer than I would have thought they could--I presumed we would use them up quickly, but we haven't even gone through one can yet. I glance over at Scourge, who is hastily spraying "You're Too Slow" next to a 'drawing' of Sonic he created; it features the emerald hedgehog standing above the sapphire one triumphantly, and I smirk. How childish and petty this seems... Fortunately, Sonic himself is childish enough to let it get under his skin. Turning my attention back to the cartoon skull I was painting, I roll my head from side to side to stretch out the muscles in my neck while surveying my work. It's nearly finished, almost flawless, with the red splotches of paint behind it truly bringing the white of the bone to life. "Next place we paint, we should tag with our names!" The malachite hedgehog chirps, shaking the can as he steps back to admire his art.

"Perhaps," I reply, lowering the hand on my mouth to rest in my pockets as he turns around, something else having caught his eye. He's too easily distracted, I muse silently, biting my lip as I carefully spritz some black onto one side of my skull, trying to define it, but refrain from ruining it. Narrowing my eyes, I lean a bit closer, concentrating hard. A sudden peculiar dizziness seizes me, and I stop, shutting my eyes violently. A vision flashes across my eyelids; I watch as a familiar azure rodent skids into view, at the other end of the alleyway from us. In third-person view, I see myself turn, saying something, as Scourge stumbles backwards, frightened. The blue hedgehog stalks forward, speaking, but I can't hear him and the miasma at the edge of my sight keeps drawing my attention away from reading his lips. He lunges forward, shouting something, and a battle commences--we were foolish enough to let ourselves be trapped in a dead-end alley, and now it's all over for us... Or so it seems. I open my eyes, the mirage vanishing, and a grin flashes its way onto my face as my head clears.

"St-Stripes--!" Scourge yells, falling over backwards, and I hear the sound of shoes skidding on concrete. Closing my eyes again, I lower my head, forcing the smile off my face.

"Looks like I finally caught up to ya!" An arrogant voice calls as he begins to walk forward.

"Aw," I say in my usual monotone, turning to look at him and letting the arm holding the can relax, "I wasn't even done yet."

"Save it, Shadow!" Sonic keeps walking forward, exactly as he had in the daydream I had. "You guys are goin' down!" He's almost closed the gap between us, and with a final shout of "Here we go!" directed at no one, he lunges forth, aiming for Scourge.

My smile returns as I whirl suddenly, throwing the can right at the blue hedgehog; it beans him right in the face, and blood spurts from his nose. Too bad I already know what you're going to do, Sonic, I think to myself as I leap forward feet-first. His posture shifts midair as he extends his right arm down to catch himself, wheeling his left foot directly at me; before it can connect, I duck around it, knowing its exact path, flattening myself to the ground, my knees now even with my head, body folded a bit awkwardly in half, and I'm grateful I haven't eaten much; I reach both arms beneath me, shoving my green best friend as far away as I can from the fight, then balancing on one hand with the other free. My available hand connects with Sonic's ribcage as I deliver an open-palm strike, throwing him back against the wall. Enclosed spaces really aren't my thing, but right now slamming Sonic from one wall to another sounds like a fantastic idea. A smug sneer disfigures my face as I grab my opponent by the ankle, yanking him back towards me, whirling one leg up to kick him square in the face, twisting my lower half rapidly. He groans, still coughing from the lack of air in his lungs, and I continue to pull him, flicking my wrist to fling him up and over me. As he sails overhead, I rapidly somersault backwards, using my already-outstretched foot--the one I didn't use--to smash him in the head again, speeding up his flight. He hits the bricks so hard that several crack, and a few come undone entirely, tumbling to the ground alongside him as I flip to my feet elegantly.

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