Chapter 9

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Sonic walks down the forest path, earbuds in his ears, blasting his jam as loud as possible. He doesn't even realize that he's singing along to it and dancing slightly. "I can't slow down, I won't be waitin' for you! I can't stop now 'cuz I'm dancin'! This planet's ours to defend-"

"Having fun, Faker?" A velvet voice growls, and Sonic freezes. Tinny music pours from the earbuds as he removes them and looks around. Whatever you do, don't let him see that you're worn down. I step out of the forest, smirking triumphantly at him, as if just by existing I've won the battle.

"Shadow!" Sonic growls, shifting into a fighting stance. I surreptitiously ready myself as well, beginning to talk just to cover up my loudly growling stomach. I've been famished so long it's just natural to me, but my stomach still complains. Rouge was right...I've grown up spoiled.

"'Tis I," I say nonchalantly, *Grrroo-* "and what are you doing here, dare I ask?"

"An afternoon stroll, you?" His eyes search my stony, weather-beaten face. I can tell he's thinking, What happened to him?

"Oh, nothing...just heard rumors that there's another Chaos Emerald around here." More like, hunting for some food. Maybe he has something to eat...I'll just have to snatch it from him... I smirk, speaking up again as my stomach growls ONCE MORE. Jezus, pipe down will ya?! "Figured I'd take it before you did."

"Chaos Emerald?" Sonic blinks. "That's new." He turns his IPod off. "Well, looks like we'll have to fight for it."

"If you say so..." I lunge forward, punching him in the gut and stealthily checking his pocket. Nope. He kicks me in the head and I go tumbling backwards. Rolling with the blow, I come out on my feet. Other pocket? Dashing forth again I knock him to the ground. No food falls out. Dangit, he doesn't have any... Sonic throws me off him, planting a good, strong kick in my gut for good measure. I gasp in pain-Good thing I haven't eaten- and land face-first on the ground.

"Heh, you're a little off your game today, Shadz!" Sonic teases, grinning. I lift my head and then I realize I have a problem.

I can't get up.

My head is pounding and I'm dizzy. I groan and flop back down, feeling my arms trembling from the effort of even trying. A cold sweat has settled over me and I just feel like sleeping... It terrifies me.

Sonic blinks, not sure why I won't get up. "Shadz? C'mon...enough with the tricks. I didn't hit ya that hard!" Though weary I can still hear his thoughts; 'What's wrong with him? Is this a new ploy or what?'

I resist the urge to whimper and force myself to get up. It's extremely painful and I have to try really hard not to yelp when I feel some of my muscles practically snapping. Sonic's thoughts are so completely unguarded it's like his mind is shouting at me: 'He's moving really slowly, and if I didn't already know he was a robot I'd swear that's his ribcage...' I turn to face him, struggling to hide my panting. That took more outta me than I expected. I've entered a dreamy world now, and everything sways.

"Shadz?" Sonic looks really uncertain about me now. "You okay? You're awful pale..." 'He's sort of quivering, like he's gonna fall.'

"I'm fine," I snarl, attempting to convince myself as well as him. I try to take a quick step forward, intending to rush him, and instead I take a rather wobbly drunken step and faint. The last thing I hear are Sonic's thoughts echoing his words,

"What the-?!"


I can hear voices. I'm not sure who they are but they sound familiar. I wish I could open my eyes, but even breathing right now is tough. I feel so weak... and everything is still dreamlike. How much time has passed? Who cares? I'm moving, but not of my own accord. I think I'm being wheeled around on a gurney. Cool. My own gurney. What for?

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