Chapter 57

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The hedgehog and bat sit for hours together; at around 10PM, Rouge finally finishes her level and quits the game. Shadow snores peacefully on her lap, one hand cradling his cheek, the other lying palm-down on the couch cushion. His ears twitch slightly as he dreams, and his fuzzy white chest fluff grazes his chin, swaying as he breathes deeply in his sleep. The azure bat looks down at him as he snoozes; a small smile traces her lips as she gently strokes his spines. Wow... When he's relaxed like this, his fur is so smooth. Her gloved fingers trace delicately across the silky fur as she runs her hands through his hair. To her utmost surprise, he hums softly and shifts position, rubbing his muzzle against the outer edge of her thigh as he curls up slightly; crossing his legs at both the knees and the ankles, he curls into a ball, resting his head on her lap. The azure-eyed bat stifles a chuckle at the uncharacteristically innocent look on his face. He usually looks so grumpy all the time, but when he's asleep, he's so...cute! His mouth hangs open slightly, exposing vampiric fangs, and she finds herself stroking his ears in particular. Gosh, his fur is just so soft! Giggling, she leans back a bit, giving the ebony and crimson hedgehog a fond look. His eyelashes flutter as his eyelids twitch; his lip curls and he growls softly in his sleep. Surprised, the snowy bat grows nervous as his snarl increases in volume; she can feel the muscles in his jaw clench as his ears flatten, brows furrowed in an expression of...anger? Or is it fear?

"Uh, Shadow?" Anxious, Rouge gently shakes him, but he doesn't answer; his free hand grips the couch cushion, the hand on his face slowly unsheathing its claws. Suddenly, he flinches as if wounded, and lets out a yelp, spooking Rouge, who bristles, pulling her arms up and away from him, folding them close to her.

"W-Wait!" He cries, and his claws fully unsheathe, tearing into the couch. Rouge yips, pulling away from him. Wh-What--"Don't..." He starts shivering, and to her utmost disbelief she sees tears spilling out of the edges of his eyes. "Don't leave me alone!" He shrieks, eyes snapping open as he tumbles forward, one arm reaching towards something only he can see, and he falls off the couch in a violent jerk. His chin clips the table and he lets out a muffled 'ungh' as his forehead connects with the hardwood flooring. Sniffling slightly, he tries to pick himself up, but his rear is still on the couch beside Rouge.


Rubbing my eyes fervently, I blink, disoriented and confused. Where am I? Why does my back feel all bent outta shape? "Shadow?" I hear someone whisper from behind me, and my ears perk; quickly, I rub my watery eyes, trying fervently to mask my tears though I don't know where they came from. I know that voice... That's--lifting myself up, I lock my arms and gaze over my shoulder at her. My head-spines cascade down my back, brushing against the much stiffer spines ridging my backbone; I blink at her, puzzled. Why am I half on the couch and half not? "Are you okay?" She murmurs, her eyes wide with worry, one hand tentatively reaching out to me. I realize what an awkward angle this must be, and struggle to heft myself back up onto the couch in one fervent movement, my mind coming back down to Earth. That's right, I was sleeping on her lap while she played that game. How could I forget? Sudden embarrassment burns within me and I recoil from her touch, scrambling to my feet.

"Don't touch me!" I snarl, red flashing across my vision, and she stifles a gasp, pulling back with a look of shock and revulsion on her face. I blanch, feeling awful about scaring her. No, I tell myself vehemently, that's not important. Her feelings aren't important. I lie to myself, blatantly, and I know it's a lie, but I grit my teeth and swallow my guilt.

"Shadow, what're you--" she starts, leaning towards me, but I take another step back, almost tripping over the table. Rouge stops, eyes glimmering with concern. "Are you okay?" She repeats in a slightly quieter, yet more insistent tone, enunciating carefully. Her voice is soft and gentle, but it stings me like a swarm of bees; tongue-tied by her glittering blue gaze, unable to speak, I turn away from her, crossing my arms uncomfortably. "You were talking in your sleep," she continues, and I hear her stand up, bare feet padding against the hardwood floor. Don't come closer, I think at her, bristling. Just go away--wait, what am I thinking? This is her home, if I want her to leave me alone... She places a cool hand on my shoulder and I stiffen, spines flared, sharp and dangerous. Then I have to be the one to leave.

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