Bonus Content

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{Hi, everyone!
I mentioned in the author's note (y'know, the section right before this one) that I had some additional content for this AU—ideas that didn't work out, basically—that I'd be willing to share if that was something people wanted, and a few responded with interest, so here we are!
If a cut section is small enough, I'll put it in its entirety here, but if it's larger (I've scrapped more than 10 chapters of different story arcs) I'll just summarize them. Additionally if an idea never made it past the brainstorming stage, I'll be summarizing it as well. I'm going to do my best to keep them chronological, but...Well, to be frank, the notes files for this story, my brainstorming files, are an absolute mess. It's the reason why this is so goddamn late and I truly am sorry for that but hoooooo boyyyy this was.
This was a challenge. As it is, I don't have many 'cut bits' from the first like...forty chapters, because it was only around chapter forty that I realized hey, maybe saving my throwaway files would be a good idea.
I'm really not very bright sometimes...
//coughs. I think that's enough chatter out of me.
Here are the ideas that just didn't quite make the cut, separated by that series of dashes I always do to cut up the scenes and stuff.}

From around Chapter 10 onward—that's the arc where Shadow was taken to a hospital after meandering around the world for about a year, and not really taking care of himself, for anyone who can't quite remember—I started writing an arc where Shadow takes control of the hospital, his first instance of acting a bit...strange, as we see him do in later chapters. The general premise was something similar to the things The Riddler does in the Batman video games, because I began that concept when I was only thirteen, a notoriously uncreative age for me. In essence, Shadow was using his AU-specific abilities (the powers he has that are not from the Sonic canon...there'll be more on that in the sequel) to utterly trash the hospital. He made all of the technology fail, scratched up the walls (which didn't take any powers, he just...he just used his hands.), and did a bunch of other random things that really didn't make a whole lot of sense.
Apparently thirteen-year-old me figured this was a good enough arc to write about four or five chapters on it, which have since become lost to the void... No, just kidding, I never delete ANYTHING, they're just not going public, and they're probably buried in my 11-year-old Toshiba's files. God only knows where that hunk of garbage ended up. (It's probably in the attic). The events in the chapter are as follows:
-Somehow Shadow has telepathy and uses it to talk to Sonic and his friends, just sort of... complaining at them? This arc really doesn't make much sense now that I'm looking back on it.
-He turns off all the lights and kidnaps Knuckles. Somehow. Presumably when Sonic&Co go off to figure out what the hell is going on.
-There was some fight scene where Shadow yet again fights Sonic using a knife, like he did in Chapter 3 because, again, not creative.
-Shadow leaves behind some shitty riddle—it was really bad, I'm not good at riddles whatsoever—and somehow Rouge shows up (unexplained) and starts trying to solve it.

...And then I gave up and abandoned the story for literally three years. Not even kidding, everything after the first half of Chapter 8 was written three years after the beginning.
Talk about procrastination.


Original introductory sequence for the moment when Sonic attempts to ambush Shadow and Scourge (it's around like chapter 40 or something, I can't quite find it though):

"Uh, hey, Shadz?" Nervously, Scourge calls over his shoulder to me. "I think you might need to take a look at this."

"Hmm?" I turn to see him crouched on the ground a few feet away, peering down at something; he kneels beside a trashcan, his right knee level with his chest, its corresponding arm draped over his thigh, left hand flat against the ground, palm-down. Despite the darkness, his sunglasses are down over his eyes, and I wonder how he can see anything, especially since we had been standing in the spotlight of a street lamp but he'd moved out of the light to look at whatever intrigued him.

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