Chapter 56

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My ears twitch slightly, disturbed by the air conditioning's slight current, and I crack an eye open, drowsy and bored as ever. I lie curled up on her couch, a pillow in my arms, slightly beneath me; I rub my face against it, adjusting my position and shutting my eyes again. The room is pleasantly warm, and the cushions beneath me have absorbed my body heat to create an even warmer and more comfortable climate. Letting out a quiet purr, I ponder how long Rouge will take. She's been gone quite a while... Nervousness flutters within me. I wish I had some way to contact her. After what I saw earlier, I'm more than a little worried. Shifting restlessly, I cross my feet; earlier, out of courtesy and in an attempt to keep the couch clean, I had removed my shoes and socks. Gently scratching the top of my left foot with the claws on my right foot, I yawn sleepily, twisting to stretch my neck. I hum to myself, my lip twitching slightly of its own accord. I really must be tired... Though, after all of that fighting, it makes sense. I shiver involuntarily, remembering what I did. I still can't believe I did that. A shudder runs up my spine, and I shake my head, tears brewing at the corner of my eyes again. Why did I have to kill them? What came over me? With a soft whine, I bury my face even more in the pillow, practically suffocating myself. Why? Why did I destroy them? They were such an integral part of my past... and now... they're gone forever. Because of me. A heavy weight of despair seems to press down on me, crushing me into the sofa. I've lost so much in my life--why do I always seem to keep destroying what little I have left? Is there something wrong with me? My eyes open involuntarily, and I roll onto my back, letting go of the pillow. Gazing up at the ceiling, I squint as the light above me glares down harshly into my corneas. Whatever... It's not like I deserve the nice things I have anyways. Shielding my eyes with my hand, I adjust position, bending one knee and stretching the other out. I wish I had something to distract me. I hate my mind.

To my surprise, I hear the sound of keys turning in the door lock; my ears fly upward, eyes widening, and I abruptly sit bolt upright, delight flashing in my chest. Finally! The door creaks open, and in a flash I stand a few feet away from it. "Ah! Shadow!" A startled Rouge yips, bristling slightly. She blushes in embarrassment as her fur flattens, relaxing; crossing her arms, she gives me a playful smirk. "What, were you waiting at the door for me like a puppy?"

"Only for the past 2 milliseconds," I answer, blinking innocently. She giggles, throwing her coat over the hanging-post and depositing a bag on a tall, slender cabinet-like piece of furniture by the door.

"Such a long time, however did you manage?" The ivory bat quips sarcastically, shaking off her elegant boots.

I suddenly place one hand over my heart, tossing my head back in an over-dramatic expression of despair. "Oh, it was such a trial," I gasp comedically, placing the back of my free hand on my forehead, "I almost thought I wouldn't make it!"

Genuine laughter shakes Rouge as she shoves me gently, and I find myself chuckling too as I drop the act, moving the hand on my forehead to cover my mouth. I know laughter puts such an ugly look on my face, and I'd hate to ruin the moment. "Drama queen," she says in an accusatory tone, giving me one last swat as she brushes past me. "What've you been up to while I was gone, anyways? I mean, the building's still intact, so clearly you did something right."

I bite my lip nervously, remembering all my dark thoughts. "Ah, nothing," I reply evenly, following her with a fake smirk stapled to my face. "Nothing at all...How did the paperwork go?"

"Caught up on all my late work," she answers cheerfully, sounding relieved; she moves from the kitchen to the living room, scooting the pillow I'd been laying on top of. Snagging a remote from the table before the sofa, she presses a button and a soft, happy chiming noise issues from the television. I pace after her evenly, coming to a stop behind her as she's seated on the couch. "And I've even got extra time to goof off, how nice!" Tipping my head to one side, I prick my ears, looking intently at the TV. I hadn't noticed before, but there's a peculiar machine as well as a few handheld devices placed on the small cabinet system beneath it; a small green light shines from one side of the object. What's that? The screen flares to life, revealing what looks like a menu. Rouge twists her head to look at me, smiling pleasantly. "Would you be a dear and go grab one of those controllers for me?" I blink down at her, then nod, vanishing to reappear in front of the TV. I pick up one of the odd hand-held things and toss it back to her; she catches it easily and grins at me. "Thanks, doll," she purrs flirtatiously, and I avert my gaze, slightly peeved by her behavior.

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