Chapter 7:Shoot

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Tommy arrives at my house at 12:15 am. I have been siting outside on the porch ever since my brother left to go to his friend house. I don't know why I'm this excited about really but for some reason I am. For wanting to see a guy again after only meeting him at a party is really saying the most. But to my defense; It's not like I'm feeling any sparks, I'm wide awake and not looking to lose it for a random guy.

'' Hey, you made it''. I say to him hopping inside the passenger seat. '' told you I would''. He starts to drive. and out we go. '' nice car''. That is true in my opinion. He drives a nice white Mercedes-Benz different from the one I last seen him drive the night of the party. '' thanks it was a gift my grandparents gave to me once I turn sixteen''. He explain. '' cool''.

'' Thanks''. He's driving with one hand on the streering wheel while  the other one is casually place on the center console.  He's dress in casual clothes, he have on a red shirt and short grey pant.'' where are we going?'' I ask not having any idea. '' you see, how's your day going so far?''. He ask changing the subject. '' great, my mother cook my brother and I breakfast''. I told him excitedly.

'' O- kayy'', then. You have a brother?''. He ask sounding interesting ''Uh yeah, older brother that is. How about you any sibling?''

'' I'm the only child but I do have two cousins whom I'm very close with''


''Cool? can you define that?''.

'' What do you mean?''.

'' You say 'cool' a lot but what does each way you say it mean?''. No one ever ask me this before. '' I don't really have an exact definition just the regular old one...I guest that's how strong my vocab is''. I say jokinly.'' unique huh?''.

'' Not really. Do you shoot?''

'' What'', I ask confuse.

'' Can you shoot?''. He ask again instead of answering my question.

Weird. I played laser tag with my freinds and shoot arrows bows before.'' I guess''

'' Good , let's get it cracking then.''

'' What''. I ask completely dumfounded.

'' Shooting time''. He parks his car on a large vacant space. It doesn't look as if anyone's around here. The drive only take fifthteen minutes the least.

'' Where are we?'',

'' ugh, come on'', He grabs my hand and starts to drag me along with him. We walk around for a while and finally came to a stop when we reach this small yellow door. Tommy reach inside his right pocket, taking out a small silver key. He uses it to open the door. I follow his lead as he enter the small room. Inside the room is a small dull light buld.

'' What is this place?'', I whisper for no apparent reason.

'' You see?'', he open a another door except this one is brown.

'' OMG''. I gasp. '' Are those guns?'', which was a stupid question, since I can cleary see that. Lot's of them.

'' Yep, we're going to shoot some''. He says excitedly as if no bad can happen.

'' Oh, no,no,no.'' That is the most dangerous thing ever.

'' Oh come on, I won't hurt you''. He say with an eye roll.

'' Really?''. I ask unsurely

'' Nah, I'm joking you might get hurt, but come on what's the worst that can happen?''.

'' Uh,u-uh I wanna get outta here''. I'm starting to regret coming here.

'' I was just kidding''. He says in a sorry tone.

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