Chapter 3: Bro that was not cool

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It's Saturday now and I just can't wait for tonight outrage that's going to go down. I woke up to the sight of the sun,I went to my bathroom,brush my teeth and hop in the tub for a quick shower I wash my hair during the process.I got out of the shower dry myself with my towel and my hair with a different one. I dry my hair sometime with a towel because I like to put styling gel on my hair to keep it curly and silk so I don't blow dry it much when I'm styling it with gel. I put on a blue jean shorts on and a black shirt on with one arm strapless.After all that I do my make up. I put red lipstick on my full lips with a little lip gloss on top of it. I went down stair around 9:30 and see Macky sitting on a stool in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal."good morning brother". I say as I walk by him and open the fridge I grab the milk carton  I open  the cabinet I grab myself a bowl and pour some milk in it. I put the milk back and  grab a spoon inside the draw. And walk by the kitchen counter to get some of the cereal that was on top of it, I take a seat next to Macky."hey sis.Busy day today huh?". I nod knowing exactly what he's talking about not only today's the day we attend the party but it's also the day our parents goes on to a lot of meeting to talk about their booming business with other's around the border states of Massachusetts. This process usually take like days so there's a chance that we might not get to see both of our parents for like a week so we're basically on our own for the week. Macky and I leaves our lives growing up to this natural habits when we were younger are parents would subscribe us a nanny to watch over us. And don't get me wrong our parents love us it's just work can do that to you sometime and hey we get whatever we want still no matter what." I guess you could say that. So Samantha coming tonight?". And if you must know Samantha is Macky girlfriend they been dating for two years now she doesn't go to our school though. "I think so ". I nod. " so what are you doing today?". I ask him. " I'm going to hang out with kyle for the day we're going hunting". I shake my head boys they so full of themselves sometime. Macky and his friends do this hunting game where they go to this research stuff it's call geocaching which is an outdoor recreational activity a GPS is needed to navigate this activity. It's not that I don't like geocaching but it just never seem to interest me in the way it does for my brother." oh cool well have fun with that okay?". He laugh and says."well you know this whole job thing you getting might not be that bad after all for you maybe if you get a job you won't be so stubborn all the time''.I punch him on the shoulder and laugh."shut up! I'am not stubborn ". He laugh too and says "sure you're not but you should know that, that's what all the stubborn says''. I punch him again harder this time and he whine."ow hey watch it''. I smack him on the head when he said that.'' Bro that was not cool". He continues to laugh even more this time." You need a life Emily to help you experience the real one". He said and shake his head.


Right now I'm hanging out with Shannel for the day.We are at this bike park, riding our bikes around. Shannel and I were always been very sporty in a kinda of girly  way sort of style. Anything that  get us to move our self around was our kinda  of sport. Dirt bike requires a lot of momentum, risk and a lot of stunt is fine too which causes you to get seriously hurt at some point. '' look no hands''. I said to Shannel as I let the handle bars go for a second. she did a really sick stunt doing a perfect turn cartwheel on her bike. She stop at the top of the hill and turn to me with a smile on her face.''bet you can't  beat that huh''. I roll my eyes at her and yes I could do an even  better one she knows it too. We both stop our bikes on it's track when we both spotted Jake and Davin walking in the park. Shannel quickly call out Jake name while me on the other hand roll my eyes at Davin when he start walking up the hill with Jake. They finally reach us Jake said hi with a simple wave to me and  started making out with Shannel. Davin if you must know just stood there and watch the two of them without even saying hi to me the girl that he cheated on and didn't even try to apologize for it. Davin and I if you must know we go way back. We use to be friends since like middle school and during my freshmen year of high school he ask me out and stuff started to happen. He became super popular at school didn't even have time to hang out with me sometime which was hurtful knowing that he choose fame over his girlfriend. He played basketball for our school and so does my brother so him and my brother use to be  cool before he started to treat me bad. So yeah where was I?. Oh yeah he started to get popular things like that and he would like other girls he couldn't keep a commitment to only one so things just go from here up until I couldn't stand it no more. So I broke up with him but I will always regret the fact that it took me so long to do so. " hey Shay''?.  She finally break the kiss with Jake and turn to face me.''I'm gonna head home okay see you at the party tonight okay"?. She look at me then Davin then back to me.''uh are you sure cuz we could just do something else if you want''. I shake my head.''no it's okay really''. And just like that I started to walk down the hill to the gate out the park. ''call me kk?''. " I will''. I said to her without even turning my back.

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