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"Wear a dress."
"Believe in God."
"Be a girl."

I have never felt like I belonged in my family. I was always the odd one out. The girl who wanted to be a boy. The weirdo.

"Be a good Christian young lady."
"Be a good sister."
"Stay in line."

I tried to do what they wanted. Honestly, I did! But I always felt like I was living a lie. Like the life I was in wasn't what was meant for me.

"Be the Youth President."
"Follow the rules."
"Sit like a girl."

I didn't want to be part of them. I didn't want to follow their rules, follow what they thought was right for me.

I changed. I changed to be more comfortable with myself. I stopped wearing dresses and I stopped acting like a "young lady." I started acting like myself.

I felt so much better.

The part of my family who haven't accepted me, well, it's their loss.

Because their daughter, Noe, is gone.

They're son, Logan, took her place a long time ago, and he is never backing away.

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