Anatomy's Deception

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I looked in the mirror today

I couldn’t help but be deceived.

Was this who I really was?

Or was it a mistake that was made

When I was first in the womb?

My heart told me one thing

While my anatomy proved the opposite.

Why is it so hard for others to believe?

That my body was created

With a different blueprint than my heart

My family has always told me

To not be afraid

To show the world who I am

But what if who I am

Isn’t what they expected?

But I’m afraid I can’t apologize

For the unfortunate truth

My body has lied to me

And it tries to convince me

That which my heart only contradicts

It’s so difficult to live my life

As something that only defends

What I appear to be on the outside

When what I actually am on the inside

Prefers the lifestyle of the polar opposite

After yet again being reminded of this façade,

I sigh and try to spread my wings

And find my place in this crazy world

But I can’t help but feel trapped

Inside this body that is not mine.

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