This T

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This T

I’m a boy I’m a boy

But my ma won’t admit it

I’m a boy I’m a boy

If I say I am I get it

 I am a person, shoved into a gender box

Stuffed into an orientation cage

Packed into a one-zero-one-zero-one-zero binary of sex

I was born as a girl, but I feel like a boy

Just imagine being born in the wrong body

Once you hit puberty you feel like everyone else

Got the instruction manual

And all you got was a blank piece of paper

This is what my life is like

 Okay, so transgender let me explain

A transgender person is someone who feels like

The opposite of their biological gender

Acting and looking like their biological gender

Feels a bit to them like wearing there

Pants on backwards or their shoes on the wrong feet

It feels awkward and wrong

I explained transgender

But the questions I always get asked are,

“What is the difference between transgender and transsexual?”

“What’s a transvestite?”

“Does that make you gay?"

Well, transgender people feel the opposite

If their biological sex and

A transsexual is someone who has

Had the surgery or taken hormones

A transvestite is a person

That takes pleasure from dressing in the clothes

Of the opposite sex

And no, that doesn’t make me gay

 People don’t realize how much ignorance and bigotry

There is about transgender people

If I wore a dress today I would get comments like,

“Cross dresser” or “faggot”

Because now when I wear a t-shirt and jeans I get,

“Are you a girl or a boy?”

And I smile, nod, and say “yes"

Because transgender people are just like you

But we are breaking free of that

Box, that cage, that one-zero-one-zero binary

Even though the statistics say

That transgender people are discriminated against

More than anyone else in the LGBT community

That 40 to 60 percent of transgender people

Attempt of commit suicide each year

Or that by June 26, 2009

There had already been 430 transgender murder

In the United States

We are coming out in confidence

We are supporting each other

We are pushing aside the dysphoria to help one another

The road is long, but you can help by understanding

Because we’re all humans

And though I may be jealous of you or you or you

For your biology, I still love everybody, and you should too

So appreciate the gifts you are given

Because someone who loves me very, very much got a gender

And all I got was this stupid T-shirt

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